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Chapter 23 Section 2 World War II Erupts Riddlebarger

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1 Chapter 23 Section 2 World War II Erupts Riddlebarger
Europe Erupts In War Chapter 23 Section 2 World War II Erupts Riddlebarger



4 Appeasement Neville Chamberlain and appeasement
Winston Churchill -a critic Wikipedia images

5 Hitler’s Early Moves March 1939- Czechoslovakia
Chamberlain error. Alliance with Italy & Mussolini Wikipedia images

6 Stalin-Hitler Alliance
Aug Signs non-aggression pact with Soviet Union. Why?

7 Europe on the eve of World War II, 1939

8 Hitler Attacks Poland Poland Soviets role

9 Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg (lightning war) Historical- armored warfare demo

10 Poland after German/USSR invasion

11 German Forces Turn West
Sep War declared Allies Sitzkrieg or “phony war” Soviets & Finland Winter War

12 Spring 1940 Lull in fighting ends Netherlands & Belgium Dunkirk
Denmark & Norway Atlantic access Netherlands & Belgium Dunkirk Dunkirk has been a miracle of deliverance, achieved by valour, by perseverance, by perfect discipline, and resourced by skill and unconquerable fidelity. But we must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations...-- Winston Churchill, 4 June 1940

13 France Falls Strike towards France begins in May 1940 Maginot Line
1st: wiki 2nd: Strike towards France begins in May 1940 Netherlands & Belgium Maginot Line

14 German invasion of France
Ardennes forest in Belgium.

15 Germans capture Paris Paris
By end of June 1940, French surrender to Germans & Italians. French leaders flee

16 Battle of Britain Now Britain stands alone Winston Churchill

17 Battle of Britain continued
German plan: RAF airfields and shipping Radar Luftwaffe Strategic shift Incite terror London (Blitz) Civilians impact

18 London Blitz

19 Germans Fail Late ‘40 end 8 months 1st German failure
Hitler cancels Operation Sea Lion. Impact on Luftwaffe “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” -Winston Churchill

20 Tensions in East Asia Japanese nationalists influence
imperial power. 1937- began war with China Massacre in Nanking

21 Axis Alliance 1940 tripartite pact 1941- Take French Indochina
Axis Powers 1941- Take French Indochina seek oil & other natural resources Threatens British & French interests

22 US Reaction FDR takes steps to punish Japan
embargo US & Japanese officials meet- no compromise reached. Gen. Hideki Tojo (late 1941)

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