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Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs

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Presentation on theme: "Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs

2 Maslow’s Theory “We each have a hierarchy of needs that ranges from "lower" to "higher." As lower needs are fulfilled there is a tendency for other, higher needs to emerge.” Daniels, 2004

3 Maslow’s Theory Maslow’s theory maintains that a person does not feel a higher need until the needs of the current level have been satisfied. Maslow's basic needs are as follows:

4 Personal Motivation Consumers will not need or want consumer goods or services that fulfill higher levels on the hierarchy without satisfying lower ones. Example: If living in a war torn country, one has no desire for a social networking site

5 Self-Actualization Esteem Belonging Physiological Safety

6 Basic Human Needs Food Air Water Clothing Sex Physiological Needs

7 Safety Needs Protection Stability Pain Avoidance Routine/Order
Safety and Security Protection Stability Pain Avoidance Routine/Order Safety Needs

8 Love and Belonging Affection Acceptance Inclusion Social Needs

9 Esteem Esteem Needs Self-Respect Self-Esteem Respected by Others

10 Self-Actualization Achieve full potential Fulfillment

11 Marketing and Advertising
Advertisers have learned to use these needs to help communicate their message.

12 Which Need is Being Advertised?
Safety Safety

13 Self-actualization Self-actualization

14 Safety Safety

15 Belonging Belonging

16 Safety Safety

17 Self-Actualization Self-Actualization

18 Psychological Psychological

19 Self esteem Self esteem

20 What a Girl Wants Generation M: Misogyny in Media & Culture - Trailer - Available on DVD: Watch video (5:28mins): Sext Up KIDS [Trailer(3:12mins) What a Girl Wants (5:51mins): After watching the video answer the question on handout:

21 What a Girl Wants Video Questions
Consider the debate that the high school class has about Christina Aguilera’s lyrics. What conclusions do they come up with about “what a girl wants”? Why does it seem like women are constantly struggling between demanding respect and looking “sexy”? What need (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs) do you think the song is addressing? Why? Why is it so frightening to see young girls talking about dieting and what they think is the “perfect” body? Do you think it’s true that guys only care about a girl’s “looks”? Do you think the media contributes to teenagers having sex before they’re ready?

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