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Implementing and Controlling

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1 Implementing and Controlling
CHAPTER 5 Implementing and Controlling 5.1 The Implementing Function 5.2 Motivation and Change Management 5.3 The Controlling Function 5.4 Gathering and Using Performance Information

2 5.1 The Implementing Function
GOALS Recognize problems that can occur when plans are implemented. Identify important implementing activities performed by managers. CHAPTER 5

3 The Challenge of Implementing
Implementing involves guiding employee work toward achieving the company’s goals. CHAPTER 5

4 Implementing Activities
Effective communications Employee motivation Work teams Operations management CHAPTER 5

5 5.2 Motivation and Change Management
GOALS Describe the main points of three theories of motivation. Identify the steps managers should follow when implementing change. CHAPTER 5

6 Motivation Theories Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
McClelland’s achievement motivation Herzberg’s two-factor theory CHAPTER 5

7 Managing Change Planning Communicating Involving Educating Supporting

8 Implementing Change STEP 1 Planning Carefully plan for the change.
Communicating Communicate with people, so that change does not surprise them. STEP 3 Involving Involve people, so they feel a part of the change. STEP 4 Educating Educate people, so they understand the change. STEP 5 Supporting Support people in their efforts to change. CHAPTER 5

9 5.3 The Controlling Function
GOALS List the three basic steps in the controlling function. Identify and describe four types of standards. CHAPTER 5

10 Understanding Controlling
Management as a continuous process The steps in controlling Establish standards for each of the company’s goals Measure and compare performance against the established standards to see if performance met the goals Take corrective action when performance falls short of the standards CHAPTER 5

11 The Management Functions

12 Setting Standards Types of standards
Quantity standards Quality standards Time standards Cost standards Measuring and comparing performance CHAPTER 5

13 5.4 Gathering and Using Performance Information
GOALS Describe three corrective actions managers can take as part of controlling performance. Discuss several important areas of cost control in businesses. CHAPTER 5

14 Taking Corrective Action
Three possible actions Take steps to improve performance. Change policies and procedures. Revise the standard. CHAPTER 5

15 Controlling Costs Inventory Credit Theft Health and safety CHAPTER 5

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