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Motivating Today’s Employees

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Presentation on theme: "Motivating Today’s Employees"— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivating Today’s Employees
Dr. Badaruddin Ibrahim © Dr. B 2013

2 Overview What is MOTIVATION
… is what makes an individual put forth some amount of effort in a specific direction getting people to exert a high degree of effort on their job Needs Drives or Motives Accomplishment of goal © Dr. B 2013

3 Understanding People Each individual has a unique personality and makeup Not all employees expect or even want the same things from their job People do things for a reason © Dr. B 2013

4 Basic Motivation Theories
Traditional Theory Need Hierarchy Theory Achievement-Power-Affiliation Theory Motivation-Maintenance Theory Preference-Expectancy Theory Reinforcement Theory © Dr. B 2013

5 Traditional Theory Evolved from the work of Frederick W. Taylor
individuals were compensated according to their production Money is the primary motivator of people © Dr. B 2013

6 Need Hierarchy Theory Based on the work of Abraham Maslow
Maslow believed that at any given time only one need level serves as a person’s primary motivation © Dr. B 2013

7 Achievement-Power-Affiliation Theory
Developed by David McClelland Need for achievement – need to do something better or more efficient than before Need for power – need to influence people Need for affiliation – need to liked / maintain friendship © Dr. B 2013

8 Motivation-Maintenance Theory
Developed by Frederick Herzberg Can also be referred to Dual-Factor Theory and Motivator-Hygiene Theory Relate to environment Relate to job © Dr. B 2013

9 Preference-Expectancy Theory
© Dr. B 2013

10 Reinforcement Theory © Dr. B 2013

11 What can the Supervisor Do?
Make the work interesting Relate rewards to performance Provide valued rewards Treat employees as individuals Encourage participation and cooperation Provide accurate timely feedback © Dr. B 2013

12 Job Satisfaction Individual’s general attitude toward the job
© Dr. B 2013

13 Review Questions What is motivation?
Explain one way for supervisor to motivate his employees What is job satisfaction? © Dr. B 2013

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