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Cesare Lombroso Helen and Snehal.

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1 Cesare Lombroso Helen and Snehal

2 Brief Background University professor and criminologist
Theories included victimology, labeling theory, and social disorganization Born on November 6, 1835 in Verona, Italy Founder of Italian School of Positivism Criminology; often referred to as the father of criminology Studied literature, linguistics, and archeology at Universities of Padua, Vienna, and Paris, however changed his plans and became an army surgeon in 1859 Heavily believed in women being inferior to men, wrote a book about women’s criminal offending, and described differences between the “normal woman” versus a “criminal woman” such as a prostitute Died in Turin in 1909

3 Lombroso’s Philosophy
Used concepts drawn from physiognomy, degeneration theory, psychiatry, and Social Darwinism Theory of anthropological criminology stated that criminality is inherited Someone “born criminally deviant” can be identified by physical (congenital) defects, which confirmed a criminal savage or atavistic Theories are not accepted by modern mainstream scientists Physical defects included sloped forehead, ears of unusual size, asymmetry of face, excessive length of arms Criminals have less sensibility to pain and touch; more acute sight; lack of moral sense; absence of remorse; excessive use of tattooing

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