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The Coming of War Standards 8.41 and 8.43.

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Presentation on theme: "The Coming of War Standards 8.41 and 8.43."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Coming of War Standards 8.41 and 8.43

2 Table of Contents Barbary Pirates (8.41) Embargo Act (8.41)
Tecumseh (8.43) War Hawks (8.43)

3 Barbary Pirates Standard 8.41

4 Barbary Pirates Muslim pirates who operated along the coast of northern Africa.

5 Barbary Pirates Pirates demand a tribute (bribe) from the United States. U.S. refuses and instead goes to war

6 Barbary Pirates Pirates capture USS Philadelphia in Tripoli
Stephen Decatur (U.S. Navy) recaptures the Philadelphia and burned it so it couldn't be used by the pirates.

7 Barbary Pirates Marines, under the command of Lt. Presley O’Bannon attack Tripoli. The objective--install a new ruler.

8 Barbary Pirates Marines captured the fort.
1st American victory on foreign soil The mention of the "shores of Tripoli" in the "Marine's Hymn" refers to this triumph.

9 Embargo Act Standard 8.41

10 Violations of Neutrality
War between England and France creating shipping problems for America Both pass laws to prevent trading

11 Violations of Neutrality
England begins stopping U.S. ships and capturing people to be in their army/navy This is called impressment


13 Chesapeake and Leopard
USS Chesapeake was attacked by the HMS Leopard U.S. sailors were taken by force


15 Embargo Act Passed in 1807, banned trade with all foreign countries
American ports closed to the British People mad because they aren’t making money Damaged Jefferson’s popularity



18 Non-Intercourse Act Passed in 1809, only blocked trade with England & France We would trade with whichever side stopped violating our neutrality first


20 Tecumseh Standard 8.43

21 Conflict in the West British helping Native American tribes in the west Giving them arms to fights against Americans

22 Tecumseh Shawnee chief who wanted to unite the tribes against Americans

23 Tecumseh He and his brother the Prophet start a village called Prophetstown

24 Battle William Henry Harrison Governor of Indiana Territory
Worried about Tecumseh

25 Battle of Tippecanoe Tecumseh leaves Prophetstown to talk with the Creek Harrison vs. the Prophet U.S. wins Indian Confederation flees north





30 War Hawks Standard 8.43

31 War Hawks People who are pro-war Henry Clay Kentucky Felix Grundy
Tennessee John C. Calhoun South Carolina

32 Pro-War (War Hawks) Anti-War
Stop British influence among the frontier Indians Stop British impressments of our sailors Renew friendly business ties with Britain Foolish to fight because Britain has a larger and better military

33 Call for War Strongest opponents to the War Hawks were New England Federalists James Madison elected president in 1808 Congress votes in 1812 to declare war against Great Britain

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