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Unit 6: The Federal Court System and Supreme Court Decision-Making

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1 Unit 6: The Federal Court System and Supreme Court Decision-Making
Principles of the American Legal System

2 Principles of the American Legal System:
Main Idea: Introduction to Principles of the American Legal System Notes: There are 4 basic principles that our federal and state courts operate within: Equal Justice Under the Law Due Process of Law The Adversary System Presumption of Innocence

3 Principles of the American Legal System:
Main Idea: Equal Justice Under the Law Notes: It is the goal of the American legal system to treat all persons the same. Constitutional Amendments 5-8 help to ensure that all people are treated equally.

4 Principles of the American Legal System:
Main Idea: Equal Justice Under the Law (cont’d.) Notes: 5th Amendment: Habeas Corpus, due process, double jeopardy, remain silent. 6th Amendment: Fair & speedy trial, jury of peers, face accusers, etc. 7th Amendment: Trial by jury in federal courts. 8th Amendment: No excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment.

5 Principles of the American Legal System:
Main Idea: Due Process of Law Notes: Due Process of the Law has 2 aspects that require attention by our justice system: Substantive Due Process Procedural Due Process

6 Principles of the American Legal System:
Main Idea: Due Process of Law (cont’d.) Notes: Substantive Due Process refers to rights that are specified in the Constitution (EX. Free speech), and some that are not (EX. Rights to privacy in making personal decisions)

7 Principles of the American Legal System:
Main Idea: Due Process of Law (cont’d.) Notes: Procedural Due Process refers to HOW the law is administered. This involves informing a person of charges against them, and allowing them to respond to those charges.

8 Principles of the American Legal System:
Main Idea: The Adversary System Notes: The adversary system refers to the courtroom as a battleground for attorneys. Lawyers are expect to do everything that is legally allowed to win for their clients—sometimes focusing more on winning, than obtaining justice. Judges serve as referees.

9 Principles of the American Legal System:
Main Idea: Presumption of Innocence Notes: In the American legal system, all accused persons are presumed innocent, until proven to be guilty. This puts the burden of proof rests the government (the prosecution).

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