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S CHEDULE 6A H OUSE AND E STABLISHMENT L ISTING S CHEDULE Central Statistics Office Economic Statistics Division.

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Presentation on theme: "S CHEDULE 6A H OUSE AND E STABLISHMENT L ISTING S CHEDULE Central Statistics Office Economic Statistics Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 S CHEDULE 6A H OUSE AND E STABLISHMENT L ISTING S CHEDULE Central Statistics Office Economic Statistics Division

2 I MPORTANT P OINTS TO BE N OTED BEFORE F ILLING UP THE S CHEDULE Geographical coverage: Entire country Primary geographical unit: EB, Census 2011 (for both rural & urban); village if EB comprises more than one village (may arise in hilly areas) Activities to be covered: Agriculture/Non-agr. Exclusions: Agr: Crop production & plantation Non-agr: Govt. offices/public administration; Defense, Social Security,International organizations; Illegal act.

3 I MPORTANT P OINTS TO BE N OTED …. Proper identification of EB boundaries with the help of map & AHL To identify all establishments by visit to each and every house & household within the EB Establishments with permanent structures to be listed against the structure/house/site Other types of establishments with make-shift type of structure / no structure to be listed against the household of the owner (this involves visit to every household & deep probing)

4 I MPORTANT P OINTS TO BE N OTED …. All the establishments existing on the date of survey (but may not be in operation due to temporary closing or seasonal nature of the activity) to be listed [Needs deep probing] Establishments which have permanently closed their business are not to be listed Establishment pursuing mixed activities with separate accounts (in terms of number of workers etc.) being available, each activity to be listed as a separate establishment

5 I MPORTANT P OINTS TO BE N OTED … If no separate accounts, all activities together to form one unit/establishment with major activity to be described All the houses /structures/buildings and details of households and establishments located therein within the EB boundaries are to be listed in different lines All houses/structures are to be listed, irrespective of their use Households with no house are not to be listed

6 S CHEDULE 6A: G ENERAL This is the main/first schedule to be canvassed Consists of two sides A and B with 26 identical columns and 8 rows Gives a detailed information about all the houses, households as well as establishments within each EB All the columns (except col. 3 & 11) are to be filled with codes/numerals

7 S CHEDULE 6A: W HERE TO S TART F ROM ? First step is to fill the page number on the top right corner of each side (Go to next page only after all the lines of previous page are exhausted) Continuous page numbering starting from 01 over all the pages required for an EB The next step is to fill all the IDENTIFICATION PARTICULARS like state, district, tahsil, town, etc. provided on the top of the schedule (These are very important information and there should be no mistake) First few forms should be initially filled with pencil and then they will be finalized.

8 C OLUMN 1 – C ENSUS H OUSE /S TRUCTURE N UMBER Number given during Census 2011 or by any authority like municipality / panchayat If such numbers exist, record that Else give running serial numbers within brackets starting from (1) to all such houses having no house number (being the same concept adopted in the NSS)

9 C OLUMN 2 – U SE OF C ENSUS H OUSE /S TRUCTURE (C ODE ) To fill up after filling cols. 3-10 Code 1 (Commercial): If entire house used as establishment(s) e.g. hospital, temple, church, factory, shop => Cols. 4-9: --; Establishment details to be recorded Code 2 (Residential): If purely used as residence Also covers houses of cultivators exclusively doing crop production (=> Cols. up to 9 to be filled up; Entries in col. 7-9 = 0; Cols. 10-26: --)

10 C OLUMN 2 – U SE OF C ENSUS H OUSE /S TRUCTURE (C ODE ).. Code 3 (Residential cum commercial): If used for living purpose & also some entrepreneurial activity carried out within the household or the household members run some establishments without fixed structure outside the household => Entries in cols. 3-10 & Est. details expected Code 9 (Others): If vacant/inaccessible/found locked after repeated visits/or refusal by the household/entrepreneur to part with any information & also for govt. offices/units out of coverage => Cols. 3-26: --"

11 C OLUMN 3 - N AME OF THE H EAD OF THE H OUSEHOLD / N AME OF E STABLISHMENT / O WNER OF E STABLISHMENT For each household, write name of head For each establishment, write name of the establishment in case there is a name; else write the name of its owner.

12 N OTE FOR C OLUMNS 4 TO 9 These columns are applicable for households details Thus these columns would be filled if and only if use of house code is in col. 2 is either 2 (residential) or 3 (residential cum commercial) In case of code 1 & 9 in col. 2, these columns to be kept blank by inserting (-)

13 C OLUMN 4 - N UMBER OF MEMBERS IN THE HOUSEHOLD Record total number of usually residing members of the household That is, consider those members who resided for at least 6 months during last one year

14 C OLUMN 5 - N UMBER OF ONLY WAGE / SALARIED EARNERS Consider those members who get wages/salaries as workers If any member is wage/salaried earner and he or she is also self-employed, then ignore this member for reporting in this column [Purpose of this column is to further probe about entrepreneurial activities of the household, if any, when otherwise no establishment is reported and also zero entry in this column]

15 C OLUMN 6 – N UMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS ( OWNED BY HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS ) OUTSIDE HH WITH FIXED STRUCTURE Record total number of establishments owned by the members and located outside the household with Fixed Structure. If an establishment is associated with two or more households, the establishment should be counted against the household which is the major decision- maker or have major share in the profit or in running the establishment. NOTE: Details of these establishments to be listed at their respective sites and not here.

16 C OLUMN 7 – N UMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS ( OWNED BY HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS ) OUTSIDE HH WITHOUT FIXED STRUCTURE It is meant for recording total number of establishments owned by the members of the household and which are outside the household without Fixed Structure.

17 C OLUMN 8 – N UMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS ( OWNED BY HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS ) LOCATED INSIDE HH To record here total number of establishments owned by the members of the household and located inside the household (which may not be visible from outside) (e.g. - stitching of clothes, providing medical/legal advice) Would require probing by enumerator NOTE: If a person or a family possesses establishments inside the household as well as outside the household (without fixed structure), then both of the establishments will be recorded in two different lines.

18 C OLUMN 9 – T OTAL OF COLUMN 7 AND 8 Self explanatory It represents the total number of the establishments run by the members of the household without any separate fixed structures of their own.

19 C OLUMN 10 - R UNNING SERIAL NUMBER TO ESTABLISHMENTS MENTIONED IN COLUMN 9 The establishments recorded in column 9 associated with a particular household will be given serial number starting with number 1 with their details filled up in subsequent columns As many rows/lines would be used to record information as the number indicated in col (9)

20 N OTE FOR COLUMNS 11 TO 26 These columns are meant for details of establishments only. They are to be filled up for each establishment irrespective of whether it is having fixed premises or not. All these columns are to be filled up for each establishment in separate lines/rows. These columns are not to be filled for purely residential houses.

21 C OLUMN 11 - D ESCRIPTION OF M AJOR A CTIVITY OF THE E STABLISHMENT Very important column. Description should be reasonably elaborate to enable proper recording of broad activity / NIC 3-digit codes in further columns. For example simply writing Tea Shop is not a sufficient description. (a)Selling tea leaves is a trading activity (b)However, preparing tea and serving to customers is considered as food service activity. Similarly distinction between accommodation and food services is important to note. In many places restaurants serving meals/tea may be commonly known as hotels but actually they are restaurants/units engaged in food service activities.

22 C OLUMN 12 – B ROAD A CTIVITY C ODE Code to be written as per activity description in column 11. All the economic activities (except crop production & plantation, public administration, defence and compulsory social security) have been divided into 23 broad activities. The activities outside the coverage of Sixth EC are to be assigned broad activity code 99

23 C OLUMN 13 – NIC 3 DIGIT CODE To record 3-digit code as per National Industrial Classification 2008 Very important information (mistakes be avoided); To be left blank by the enumerator and be filled up carefully by the officials of District Statistical Offices at the stage of scrutiny/coding of the information in the Schedule.

24 C OLUMN 14 - I S IT A HANDLOOM / HANDICRAFT ACTIVITY ? If yes, then code 1 would be assigned otherwise coded as 0. Before giving appropriate code refer to the List of handicraft activities specific to the State/UT, district wise given at Annexure in the Guide along with map. In case an establishment is engaged in handloom/handicraft activity along with other economic activities with accounts in terms of number of workers etc are not separable, code 1 to be reported only if handloom/handicraft happens to be the major activity.

25 C OLUMN 15 - O WNERSHIP C ODE CODE 1 Valid codes: 1 to 7 and 9 For establishments wholly owned/run/managed by Central or State governments, quasi-government institutions or local government bodies or by bodies with 100% funding by the government Those run with more than 50% share of the government and remaining share coming from other sources will also be treated as government/PSU Government / PSU

26 C OLUMN 15 - O WNERSHIP C ODE …. An individual being the sole owner CODE 2 Proprietary CODE 3 Partnership A relationship between two or more persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business. CODE 4 Company Units registered under the Companies Act 1956 Includes both private and public limited companies

27 C OLUMN 15 - O WNERSHIP C ODE … A financial intermediary usually composed of 10-20 local pers. Members make small regular savings/ contributions Funds lent back to the members or to others in the village CODE 5 Self-Help Groups (SHG) CODE 6 Co-operative Societies Formed through co-operation of a number of persons, recognized as members of the society Funds raised by members contribution/ investments and profits shared by the members Regd. under Co-operative Societies Act, 1912

28 C OLUMN 15 - O WNERSHIP C ODE … NPIs are legal/ social entities created for the purpose of producing goods and services. Activities not meant for a source of income/profit or other financial gain CODE 7 Non-Profit Institutions (NPI) CODE 9 Others

29 C OLUMNS 16–18 Col.16-18: Applicable for owners of proprietary units only Col.16/17/18: Sex/Social Group/Religion Self explanatory SC can be from Hindus/Sikhs/Buddhists If owner does not profess religion, report code 9 (Others) in col.17

30 C OLUMN 19 – N ATURE OF O PERATION If activity carried out throughout the year more or less regularly Code 1 Perennial Code 2 Seasonal If activity confined to a particular season Code 9 Casual If neither perennial nor seasonal Activity carried out occasionally depending upon the availability of time and resources

31 C OLUMN 20 – M AJOR S OURCE OF F INANCE Major source during previous financial year (not current financial year)

32 Columns 21 and 22 – Hired Males & females Hired – Those working on regular wages/salaries Number on the last working day Those temporarily absent to be counted.

33 C OLUMNS 23 AND 24 – N OT H IRED M ALES & F EMALES Non Hired – Those who do not have any fixed wage/salary Includes owner & family members Those who normally work but are temporarily absent on the last working day to be counted

34 C OLUMNS 25 – T OTAL N O. OF W ORKERS (H IRED + N OT H IRED ) Entry = Sum of entries in cols. 21 to 24 Minimum value = 1

35 C OLUMNS 26: S L. N O. TO E ST. WITH 8 OR MORE WORKERS A running serial number starting with 1 to each eligible unit separately for each page and each side of the schedule


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