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Feminism in “A Mercy” By: Rashid Roble.

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1 Feminism in “A Mercy” By: Rashid Roble

2 Intro To start off my presentation I would like you to think about this quote the author of this novel Toni Morrison said which in my opinion is exactly what we’re focusing in today feminism. She says .“There is no protection. To be female in this place is to be an open wound that cannot heal. Even if scars form, the festering is ever below.”  I think by this quote the author means there is no protection or security for being female and to be female is a hard and just one bad moment or experience can never be fixed or as she says healed. And even if a bad moment happens it can never be forgotten. I believe this is true because all throughout history women been treat cruel and unjust.

3 Representation of Women and Men in “A Mercy”
Roles Men play: Men they are the primary income or wealth for the family “As with any future available to her, it depended of the character of the man in charge.” (pg.71) Happiness depending on how successful the man

4 Representation of Women and Men in “A Mercy”
The role Women play in the novel “A Mercy” are servant, wives , care givers and prostitutes. “"servant, prostitute, wife, and although horrible stories were told about each of those careers, the last one seemed safest" (pg. 71 Morrison ) I interpreted that woman played roles like theses , surely being a wife was the safest out of all three because be a servant is degrading and being a prostitute is obviously dehumanizing or degrading. So being a wife Lina believes that is the safest option for a woman since woman may be able to have a status in society and are not just used as a service like a servant or maid.

5 Movie Comparison Also when comparing this novel and the role of women and men I notice when it was compared to the movie Avengers which was made in 2012. The one image below perfectly shows gender inequality. Five men standing get ready to shield the city of New York from being wiped off the guide, and there is one lady with them. She is wearing a suit that flawlessly structures to her body, as to seem engaging, and she equipped with the smallest weapon. This is the manner by which ladies are depicted in cinema. similarities in the novel I read and the movie which is that men are depending on the hard work for protecting and in the case of the novel providing income for the family.

6 Conclusion Woman are not credited for what they do Salary difference
For example in acting Steps in a right direction would be in tennis championship equal pay

7 Works cited Oppression dictionary definition | oppression defined. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 July 2017. "Why "The Avengers" is a Feminist Film." The New Agenda. N.p., 09 May Web. 20 July 2017.

8 The End

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