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Labour Market Statistics

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1 Labour Market Statistics
Pedro Ferreira Eurostat 2/3-Oct-2008

2 Structure of my talk Data collection process Missing data
The need for NUTS level 3 data Quality issues 2/3-Oct-2008 Labour Market Statistics

3 Thank you! Data collection
NUTS level 2 data: we receive the LFS data from the thematic Unit at Eurostat NUTS level 3 data: we collect data from Member States This year there were no particular problems regarding this data collection Thank you! 2/3-Oct-2008 Labour Market Statistics

4 Missing data Data was made available for almost every NUTS level 2 region Only data from Denmark and Slovenia are not yet available due to the NUTS change Both countries introduced for the first time NUTS level 2 regions NUTS level 3 data availability was not so good: Belgium, Ireland and Poland missing completely Some regions of France, Italy and United Kingdom missing 2/3-Oct-2008 Labour Market Statistics

5 The need for NUTS level 3 data
Asymmetries within a NUTS level 2 region are not captured with NUTS level 2 data The main objective of NUTS level 3 data is to have a more detailed measure of regional disparities in regional labour markets 2/3-Oct-2008 Labour Market Statistics


7 Quality issues The Quality Report of the European Union Labour Force Survey – 2006 has a section dedicated to regional data quality Sixteen countries have provided NUTS level 3 unemployment rate coefficient of variation (CV): 95% of the 433 regions below 20% 81% below 15%. Empirical exercise: registered data in Germany was used to breakdown NUTS level 1 LFS data into NUTS level 2 2/3-Oct-2008 Labour Market Statistics

8 Quality issues Combined sources produced only 0.3 percentage points difference in the dispersion of unemployment rates: LFS data: 43.5 Combined: 43.2 2/3-Oct-2008 Labour Market Statistics

9 Thank you for listening
Any questions? 2/3-Oct-2008 Labour Market Statistics

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