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Physical Education 2016.

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1 Physical Education 2016

2 Game Procedures Coaches will check the schedule before heading down to the fields Coaches will perform “Rock, Paper, Scissors” to determine who will receive possession at the start of the game At the end of the game, winning coach will report the score to the teachers If applicable- 2 platoons – a set of offensive players and different set of defensive players

3 Offensive Rules 7 vs 7 1 Quarterback, 1 Center, 5 Receivers (Center is an ineligible receiver) Flags are worn by offensive players ONLY, must be visible on the hips 30 second play clock once the football is placed Midfield 1st down – 4 attempts Automatic 1st down if received by a girl (in front of the line of scrimmage)

4 Offensive Rules – Cont’d
NO running plays, including the QB Ball must be passed forward past the line of scrimmage – NO lateral passes No blocking (exception of the center) Once the ball is caught you cannot throw it to another teammate

5 Scoring Touchdown Extra Point – From 3 yard line after TD
6 points if caught by a girl 3 points if caught by a boy Extra Point – From 3 yard line after TD If converted, 1 point awarded either player

6 Kicking/Punting There is no kickoff or punting.
If you want to punt we will move the other team back to their 5 yard line and they will take over on offense After a touchdown the offense will get the ball on the 5 yard line.

7 Defensive Rules Interceptions
Ball is placed where the interception occurred No fumbles – offense remains in possession Center/Nose Players 1 Blitz every 4 downs 3 Count Rush to the QB (1 Mississippi, 2…)

8 Defensive Rules Cont’d
You have to maintain and respect other’s personal space

9 The End

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