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Unit 2: Early Humans/Civilizations

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1 Unit 2: Early Humans/Civilizations
Episode 2: "Started from the BOTTOM Now we Here"

2 How do we find out info about the past?
--Archaeologists study the past by digging up fossils and artifacts

3 Paleolithic Age2,500,000 BC-10,00 BC They were hunters and gatherers
Used tools such as axes, spears, bow and arrows, fishhooks Men and women did both jobs Made fire using flints, stones, and wood Cave dwellers and nomads

4 Neolithic Age 8,000 BC- 4,000 BC They moved from hunting and gathering to systematic agriculture Planted crops and practiced domestication Made tools for farming such as sickles and hoes Used animals for milk, meat, clothing Went from being Nomads to living in villages, building walls for protection, creating armies

5 6 characteristics of Early civilizations

6 --Developed in river valleys because of the fertile soil
Cities --Developed in river valleys because of the fertile soil

7 Government --Monarchs were in charge --Set up to regulate human

8 Religion --Monotheism = One god --Polytheism = many gods
--Designed to explain nature and their role in the world --Monotheism = One god --Polytheism = many gods

9 Social Structure --Based on Economic power
--More trade =global interdependence Priests, Government officials, warriors Farmers, Artisans, Craftsmen Slaves

10 --Used to keep records and for creative expression
Writing --Used to keep records and for creative expression

11 --Used Temples and pyramids for worship and burial of royals
Art --Used Temples and pyramids for worship and burial of royals

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