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Topics NOAA support for: CWIC Infrastructure NOAA as a Data Provider

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1 NOAA-CWIC Report Ken McDonald/NOAA-RTI Martin Yapur/NOAA CWIC Session, WGISS–42 September 21, 2016

2 Topics NOAA support for: CWIC Infrastructure NOAA as a Data Provider
CWIC Client Development

3 CWIC Infrastructure Support
Along with NASA, NOAA is supporting CWIC development Assist new data partners Test connectors With NASA and USGS, NOAA is supporting CWIC operations Server sustaining engineering Metrics Task is in place with GMU Team led by Dr. Liping Di through end of CY 2017

4 NOAA Data Providers NOAA hosts archive for the Group on High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Operational Additional data collections Refinements to metadata Continuing to investigate access to full set of NOAA satellite data resources Held in the Comprehensive Large-Array Stewardship System (CLASS) CLASS machine-to-machine (M2M) interface limited to internal use by NOAA Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) CWIC access through NCEI planned

5 (Mediator, Connectors)
CWIC Status Summary Infrastructure Services Brokered discovery/search/access to diverse set of satellite data from a set of data provider partners Limited set of clients Both CSW and OpenSearch Rich set of data partners Continuing to add new data partners Additional data collections Supporting operations CWIC Clients (CSW/OpenSearch) CWIC Server (Mediator, Connectors) CWIC Data Partners

6 CWIC Clients Generic CWIC Clients
Provide common discovery/access to all CWIC partner holdings Provide fixed set of search/access services across all collections Specialized Community Clients/Portals Limit search domain to specific discipline or area of interest Enable integration of CWIC satellite data with other data types Provide other enhanced search/access services Combination of Generic and Community Clients Maximizes utilization and benefits of CWIC infrastructure

7 CWIC Community Portal Initiative
As part of its support to CWIC Dev/Ops task with GMU, NOAA added a subtask and resources to design/implement CWIC community portals Task statement includes several subtasks Review existing client/portal implementations Identify one or more communities that wish to collaborate on the initiative Engage community representatives to establish initial set of requirements Design portal architecture in collaboration with community Implement a prototype

8 Status and Plans GMU team reviewed existing portals
LSI CWIC Portal NASA Earth Data Portal CEOS Water Portal Others Team has reviewed work of similar GEO Community Portal activity Will track or join effort in the future

9 GEOSS Community Portals
CWIC client initiative similar to the GEOSS Community Portals Subtask under the GCI Development (GD-07) Task GEOSS CP Team comprised of GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) Providers and Community Representatives Idea is to maximize utilization of GCI by promoting and enabling development of community portals/clients and leveraging community infrastructure capabilities

10 Initial Thoughts While initiated within CWIC Project portal implementation should investigate access to CWIC, FedEO, GCI and other providers Enabled by CEOS OpenSearch Protocol Can provide common access to all CEOS holdings GCI opens up broader access to in situ data GMU team proposes to extend services beyond discovery and access Visualization and animation services Simple analytic functions On-demand preprocessing and customization (e.g. re-projection, re-formatting, etc.) Service requirements established through interactions with communities

11 Next Steps - Discussion
Andy and Mirko proposed portal collaboration possibilities to the Carbon Lead and full SIT Plenary at SIT Workshop last week Positive initial response Follow-up with technical representatives is needed/anticipated Need your feedback, ideas….?

12 Back-up Slides

13 CEOS as a GEOSS Community
Link to/from GEOSS Portal IDN- CWIC-FedEO Clients IDN FedEO WGISS Common Infrastructure CEOS Agency Systems CWIC Community View of GEOSS Resources GCI Access to Community Infrastructure Enables Integration of GEOSS and non-GEOSS Registered Resources Register Community Resources as Appropriate

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