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Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing

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1 Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing
Status of CEPC Yifang Wang Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing FCPPL, March 30, 2017

2 Science of CEPC-SPPC Electron-positron collider(90, 250 GeV)
Higgs Factory(106 Higgs): Precision study of Higgs(mH, JPC, couplings),Similar & complementary to ILC Looking for hints of new physics Z & W factory(1010 Z0): precision test of SM Rare decays ? Flavor factory: b, c, t and QCD studies Proton-proton collider(~100 TeV) Directly search for new physics beyond SM Precision test of SM e.g., h3 & h4 couplings Precision measurement + searches: Complementary with each other ! 2018/11/21

3 CEPC is also a great light source
From dipole magnet, the photon energy can reach 628keV. From Wiggler or undulator,the photon energy can reach 100MeV Incredible application on nuclear physics, material science, micro-processing, etc. CEPC

4 CEPC is a Great Opportunity
There are new physics, and also “standard” physics to be learned No need to wait for LHC If LHC finds nothing, a Higgs factory can give us a first indication If LHC finds something, it is a new era Higgs need(s) to be understood anyway new energy scale, new spectrum, LHC can not complete it  A higher energy pp collider is needed An e+e- Higgs factory can give us time to develop technologies for T magnet and SC cables ILC may not be enough. CEPC is a Complementary: Push-pull option can be given up CEPC has a high Luminosity at H, Z, W ILC can go to higher energy High energy frontier is still the center of particle physics

5 Can be downloaded from
403 pages, 480 authors 328 pages, 300 authors 2018/11/21

6 CEPC Accelerator Design
Energy Ramp 10 ->120GeV LINAC Booster Storage Ring Electron Positron 6~10 GeV 45/120 GeV 3 Machines in a tunnel: CEPC & booster SppC Compatibility is the key

7 Baseline: 100 km, 30 MW Upgradable to 50 MW High lumi on Z


9 Design of the RF Region RF region of CEPC
Dedicated lattice for Higgs and W & Z mode to optimize the luminosity. Common cavities for H mode, bunches filled in half ring for e+ and e-. Independent cavities for W & Z mode, bunches filled in full ring. 2.0 km 1.25 km 2.2 km RF region of CEPC

10 Lattice of the Interaction Region
Provide local chromaticity correction for vertical plane. Keep ARC sextupoles and final doublet on phases for horizontal chromaticity correction Reverse bending direction of last bends to avoid synchrotron radiation to IP. New IR bends Higgs Interaction region with solenoid field Z IR of IP upstream, Critical energy of photon < 100 keV within 250m IR of IP downstream, Critical energy of photon < 300 keV within 250m

11 Lattice of the ARC region Sextupole configuration
FODO cell, 90/90, non-interleaved sextupole scheme period N=5cells all 3rd and 4th resonance driving terms (RDT) due to sextupoles cancelled, except small 4Qx, 2Qx+2Qy, 4Qy, 2Qx-2Qy tune shift dQ(Jx, Jy) is very small DA on momentum: large Chromaticity dQ() need to be corrected with many families DA off momentum: with many families to correct dQ() and –I break down Should be 5 cells -I -I Sextupole configuration

12 Parameters of CEPC (double ring)
Higgs W Z Number of IPs 2 Energy (GeV) 120 80 45.5 Circumference (km) 100 SR loss/turn (GeV) 1.67 0.33 0.034 Half crossing angle (mrad) 16.5 Piwinski angle 3.19 5.69 4.29 Ne/bunch (1011) 0.968 0.365 0.455 Bunch number 412 5534 21300 Beam current (mA) 19.2 97.1 465.8 SR power /beam (MW) 32 16.1 Bending radius (km) 11 Momentum compaction (10-5) 1.14 4.49 IP x/y (m) 0.171/0.002 0.171 /0.002 0.16/0.002 Emittance x/y (nm) 1.31/0.004 0.57/0.0017 1.48/0.0078 Transverse IP (um) 15.0/0.089 9.9/0.059 15.4/0.125 x/y/IP 0.013/0.083 0.0055/0.062 0.008/0.054 RF Phase (degree) 128 126.9 165.3 VRF (GV) 2.1 0.41 0.14 f RF (MHz) (harmonic) 650 650 (217800) Nature z (mm) 2.72 3.37 3.97 Total z (mm) 2.9 3.4 4.0 HOM power/cavity (kw) 0.41(2cell) 0.36(2cell) 1.99(2cell) Energy spread (%) 0.098 0.065 0.037 Energy acceptance (%) 1.5 Energy acceptance by RF (%) 1.1 n 0.26 0.15 0.12 Life time due to beamstrahlung (min) 52 F (hour glass) 0.96 0.98 Lmax/IP (1034cm-2s-1) 2.0 5.15 11.9

13 CEPC Detector Requirements Key sub-detectors: Momentum: Vertex:
Energy: Key sub-detectors: Silicon vertex and tracking SC solenoid magnet Gaseous tracking Calorimeters Electronics, trigger & DAQ

14 Civil Construction Surface buildings 2018/11/21

15 Site selections (a few main candidates)
Qinhuangdao 秦皇岛 Shanxi 陕西黄陵 Available Land Geological conditions Good social,environmental, transportational and cultural conditions Fit to local development plan:mid-size city  + Science city Shenzhen 深汕合作区

16 Challenges and Key R&D items
Accelerator design Beam physics: dynamic aperture, momentum acceptance, electron cloud, single ring scheme, … Power consumption, cost effectiveness Key technology development High Q0 SRF cavities and high efficiency thermal power removing SRF accelerating unit High efficiency RF power sources(Klystron, solid state, …) High power Cryogenic system Beam monitor and diagnostics Silicon detectors High field SC magnets

17 Current Status and the Plan
Pre-CDR completed No show-stoppers Technical challenges identified  R&D issues Preliminary cost estimate Working towards CDR A working machine on paper Ready to be reviewed by government at any moment R&D issues identified and funding request underway Seed money from IHEP: 12 M RMB/3 yrs MOST: 36 M/5 yr approved, ~40 M to be asked next year NSFC: ~12M RMB approved/4 yrs  6 M/yr to be approved NCDR: ~0.8 B RMB/5 yr, failed in a voting process CAS: ~ 8M/yr, more under discussion CNSF: under discussion Beijing Municipal Government: R&D platform

18 SRF System: Source of acceleration
Useful for all future accelerators Key for the cost reduction Extremely high Q0 cavities New technology: N-doping to improve Q0 by a factor ~ 4 Efficient thermal power extraction SR power HOM power Mass production R&D started: (N2 doping) cavities, HOM extraction, cryomodules, … Benefit from our R&D efforts on ILC and ADS. Industrial capabilities to be improved Lab space (4500 m2) and equipment for R&D and (mass) testing to be built within 3 years

19 R&D and industrialization for two types started
RF Power: Source of SRF Key factors for the cost and the power Useful for radar, communication tech., … R&D and industrialization for two types started Existing technology New design Frequency (MHz) 650+/-0.5 Output power (kW) 800 Beam voltage (kV) 80 70 Beam current (A) 16 15 Efficiency (%) 65 Gun assembly Collaboration with industries Collector design

20 Common Issues with HEPS
HEPS-TF approved by NCDR HEPS(80 km from IHEP) to be approved in 2018 ? Applicable to CEPC: Beam diagnostics, vacuum, mechanics, … A large R&D platform for accelerators and detectors, supported by the Municipal Government of Beijing Beam Energy: 6 GeV Beam Current: 200 mA Circumference: 1300 m Emittance: 0.06 nmrad Requiring a factor of 10 better orbit precision, magnet precision & stability, etc. 2018/11/21

21 R&D Platform for Light Source
Applicable to CEPC: SRF Cryogenic system Beam testing X-ray semiconductor detector Good enough for R&D and mass production test of SRF Construction time: 2018/11/21

22 HTC Superconducting Cables
Huge impact If magnet can be used at ~ 4.5K - 20 K Fe-based HTC cable Metal, easy to process; Isotropic; Cheap in principle Background in CAS World highest Tc Fe-based materials World first ~ 115 m Fe-based SC cables: T A collaboration on “HTC SC materials” : Institute of Physics, USTC, Institute of electric engineering, IHEP, 3 SC cable companies in China Iron based HTC cables ReBCO & Bi-2212 Goal: ~ 3-5 $ /kAm Current density:  10 Cost/m: 10

23 International Collaboration
Limited international participation for the pre-CDR An excise for us Build confidence for the Chinese HEP community A new scheme of international collaboration to be explored An international advisory board is formed to discuss in particular this issue, together with others MOUs have been signed with many institutions Many non-Chinese have joined working groups. Some will join the steering committee

24 Summary CEPC is the first Chinese effort for a Science project at such a scale  Challenges every where. Tremendous progresses up to now, but a long way to go Given the importance of Higgs, we hope that at least one of them, FCC-ee, ILC, or CEPC, can be realized. We fully support a global effort, even if it is not built in China

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