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Gravitational wave detection and the quantum limit

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1 Gravitational wave detection and the quantum limit
The LIGO Laboratory Nergis Mavalvala MIT grad open house, April 2009

2 Activities of the LIGO Lab
Gravitational wave detectors Initial LIGO (2000 – 2007) Enhanced LIGO (2007 – 2010) Advanced LIGO (2011 – …) Searches for astrophysical sources Transient sources Continuous sources Quantum mechanics Of light Of large objects (macroscopic scales)

3 Gravitational wave basics
Gravitational Waves “Ripples in spacetime fabric” Stretch and squeeze the space transverse to direction of propagation Strain Emitted by aspherical accelerating masses Expected strain ~ 10-21 Laser Photodetector Laser Photodetector L+DL L “What better way to get at the juicy stuff than to shine a laser at it” Eric Cornell (June 25, 2007, ICOLS)

4 Global network of detectors
GEO VIRGO LIGO TAMA AIGO LIGO Detection confidence Source polarization Sky location LISA

5 Astrophysical searches
Coalescence of binary compact objects (neutron stars, black holes, primordial BH) Core collapse supernovae Black hole normal mode oscillations Neutron star rotational instabilities Gamma ray bursts Cosmic string cusps Periodic emission from pulsars (esp. accretion driven) Stochastic background (incoherent sum of many sources or very early universe) Expect the unexpected! Transient Campanelli et al., Lazarus Project GWs neutrinos photons now High duty cycle

6 Generations of detectors
Initial LIGO Enhanced LIGO Advanced LIGO

7 Advanced LIGO (2011) Initial LIGO Enhanced LIGO Advanced LIGO

8 Radiation pressure noise More laser power  stronger measurement
Advanced LIGO Quantum noise everywhere Radiation pressure noise Stronger measurement  larger backaction Shot noise More laser power  stronger measurement

9 What our students do LIGO instrument science
Make LIGO detectors work Design and test future improvements Look for astrophysical sources in LIGO data Targeted pulsars (known period and location) (Un)modeled bursts Explore the fundamental quantum limits Improvements using sub-quantum states of light Optical trapping and cooling of mirrors (path to quantum states of macroscopic objects)

10 What our group is like At work…

11 What our group is like At play…

12 Join our quest to… Detect gravitational waves Beat quantum noise limits and have a blast doing it

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