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NORTH CAROLINA ) The Reed family found the first gold in NC

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1 NORTH CAROLINA ) The Reed family found the first gold in NC Founded in 1789, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is the oldest public university in the United States. In 1792 Raleigh was named the permanent capital of NC

2 What economic condition occurred after the war that created debt for the farmers?
After the war, in 1819, an economic recession caused the state to go into debt. Land values fell and many farmers went into debt .

3 Most of the people in the state followed Nathaniel Macon and his beliefs about government. What did they believe about the involvement of government? Nathaniel Macon believed that the problems could be solved without the government getting involved.

4 Nathaniel Macon

5 What was happening with many people who were born in NC?
Many of the people of North Carolina were leaving the state to go to states that were more prosperous. This is called emigration and had a negative impact on the progress of the state.

6 Select 2 words to describe the state after the Revolutionary War
Select 2 words to describe the state after the Revolutionary War? Explain why you chose those words? ~Backwards ~Not progressive ~Stagnant ~Uneducated ~Poor

7 Who was the leader of the men who wanted to make “internal improvements” in NC after the war?
Archibald Murphey led the group of men who pushed for internal improvements and public education.

SPECIFIC PROBLEMS SOLUTIONS OUTCOME Internal Issues ~poor transportation ~clogged sounds ~unnavigable rivers -build canals -dredge canals -dredge rocks out of the Catawba and Yadkin Rivers Funding was slow and because of a recession money was spent on smaller projects. There was little money to impact transportation. Education ~poor schools ~not enough teachers ~not enough schools -taxes would pay teachers -students pay according to family income -building of “common schools” A Literary fund was started but never grew because the state was so poor. The state also kept borrowing money from the fund.

9 Archibald Murphey

10 How was sectionalism still an issue in the state in 1830?
Sectionalism was still a problem in NC in The east wanted to retain its control of the state legislature and keep representation to the number of counties in a region and not population. The 1830 census showed that the west had more people. Westerners began to push for more equal representation.

11 North Carolina:1800s “The Rip Van Winkle State”
was a character in a poem by Washington Irving. In it a man fell asleep for 20 years. When he woke up everything had changed around him.

12 Why was NC called the “Rip Van Winkle” state
It seemed that the state was asleep compared to the other states that surrounded it. Isolation ~Lack of good roads and ways to communicate ~People lived far apart ~Few towns and little trade ~Feeling of individualism (concerned only with their needs; didn’t want government interference Education ~Approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the people in NC were illiterate ( could not read or write) ~Children were needed on the farms ~By 1800 NC had no public schools ~Schools were primarily for the wealthy and white males

13 Why was NC called the “Rip Van Winkle” state
Economy ~Primarily an agricultural state relying on one crop-cotton ~Little industry, limited commerce and inadequate banking Emigration ~Farmers depleted the land of fertility ~Farmers could not transport their goods ~Between /3 of the population left and emigrated to other states ~About 200, 000 people left ~1850; 31% of all native North Carolinians were residents in other states

14 Why was NC called the “Rip Van Winkle” state
Government ~East controlled all branches of the state government ~Most of the population was in the West ~Wealthy wanted to keep a control of the government ~Property, not people, controlled the government

15 Review of Problems Faced in NC during the early 1800s
Isolation Education Economy Poor Farm Conditions Transportation and Communication Migration to Other States Undemocratic Form of Government

16 Constitution of 1835: Steps Forward and Back
ISSUE Before Convention After Convention Representation -based on wealth, not population -every county would have at least 1 rep and more populous counties would have additional -Senate determined by wealth Election of Governor -Legislature chose him -Voter directly elected him Suffrage -Men over 21 could vote, including free blacks -Right to vote taken from free black men and Native Americans Requirements to Hold Political office -Only white male Protestants were allowed to hold office -Catholics could hold office but denied Jews and atheists right to hold office

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