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SysML 2.0 – Visualization Capability

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1 SysML 2.0 – Visualization Capability
Working Group Progress for OMG System Modeling & Assessment Working Group Chris Schreiber (LMCO), Josh Feingold (TSP), Marc Sarrel (JPL), Elyse Fosse (JPL) 11/21/2018

2 System Modeling Assessment & Roadmap Joint OMG/INCOSE Working Group
Objectives: Assess effectiveness of system modeling with SysML in support of MBSE Adoption and Use Develop a preliminary System Modeling Roadmap to improve effectiveness Use the Roadmap to influence the SysML specification, tool vendor implementations, related standards efforts, and industry collaborations Scope: SysML modeling language and tools Modeling languages and tools that support use of SysML (e.g. constraint language, transformations) Reuse libraries (e.g., models, practices, ..) Integrations with other engineering models and tools Focus Areas: Systems Engineering Use Cases System Engineering Concept Model SysML v2/MBSE Capabilities including Model Construction, Model Visualization, Model Analysis, Model Management, Model Interoperability, Members: IBM, EADS, LMC, NASA/JPL, Raytheon, John Deere and Various Consultants 11/21/2018

3 MBSE Capability: Visualize Model Data
Task objective Elaborate concepts, requirements, and metrics for effective model construction that support the next generation system modeling language (SysML v2) Use Cases Systems engineers, other discipline engineers, and systems engineering data consumers visualize system model data throughout the lifecycle to support system specification, design, analysis, and verification activities. MoE Ability to represent model data in a variety of forms Ability to navigate between model views Ability to navigate to model views from other disciplines (Engineering and other) Ability to define ad hoc views of model data Driving Requirement & Associated Requirements:   (R3) The next-generation modeling language and tools must provide flexible and rich visualization and reporting capabilities to support a broad range of model users. Also . . . (R5) Support broader context of MBE (R8) Efficient and intuitive to a broad range of users (R11) Modular and extensible for future technology 11/21/2018

4 Limitations of SysML 1.4 - Visualization
Separation of Model Construction from Visualization Diagram construction left to modeler Model elements can be removed, but added elements cannot be automatically added to diagrams Some tool capabilities to auto-create, but not necessarily rule-based Specification of SysML Diagrammatic Views Appearance of SysML diagrams is fixed with no facility for user-defined rules Modelers sometimes make modeling choices to accommodate immediate needs, resulting in more work later or deferring robust modeling View Construction and Layout Layout of diagram elements manual requiring manual maintenance Facility for “semantic zoom” In-Work, Changed Data and Model Compare The current spec is silent on visualizing changes and differences between model baselines 11/21/2018

5 SME Services - Visualization
Relevant SME Services Render/Produce Model Views Define Model Views Present Results Specify Viewpoints Extend/Customize Model Language Model Queries to Support Visualization Manage Changes to Model Summarized Inputs/Outputs User-Defined Input Domain-Specific Symbology Controller Data Template Input Source/Target Model Input Data Domain-Specific View Output Rendered View Output Rendered Controller View Output Rendered Compared Model Data View Output (Model/Diagram/Element) 11/21/2018

6 Requirements Decomposition
Following Model-View-Controller paradigm Back End Data Structure - Model Front End Visualization - View Translation Layer - Controller Meaningful, Repeatable View Construction Model Data Definition Navigation, Flexibility and Relevance 11/21/2018

7 MVC as View and Viewpoint

8 Requirements Decomposition

9 Requirements – Front End Visualization
This spec to be constrained to Systems Diagrams. High-level conceptual definitions What does each type of drawing object represent? Drawings, Nodes, Edges, Ports, Labels, Annotations, Nesting External Links Palette definition rules How to create a set of drawing object representations to describe a system Level of differentiation acceptable within a single visual object definition Provide core, extensible palette definitions Updated “classic” SysML style Simplified “iconographic” style 11/21/2018

10 Requirements – Object Template Definition
Object Template Definition must be able to store a configurable representation of the UI for a node, edge, port, drawing, or label. Reference frame Relative coordinates Absolute coordinates Hierarchy of UI elements UI elements Define graphical object-to-graphical element attribute linkage 11/21/2018

11 Requirements – OTD – UI Elements
Geometric Shape Image Text Splitter Transformation Group Logical If-else Switch 11/21/2018

12 Requirements – OTD – UI Elements
Action On click On double-click On drag On mouse-wheel Elements attributes Color Name Tooltip Gradient Hyperlink Etc. 11/21/2018

13 Requirements – Object Template Definition
Define graphical-object-to-graphical-element attribute linkage so that attributes of objects such as Nodes and Edges can be accessed by the elements that compose their UIs. Attribute values Basic operators If-else String manipulation Basic math Extensible operator language 11/21/2018

14 Requirements – Rich Diagram Persistence
Store and refer to a set of Object Template Definitions Nodes Edges Ports Labels Graphs Intergraph describes connections between individual graphs Position Units relatable to some physical dimension Sizes 11/21/2018

15 Requirements – Rich Diagram Persistence
Nesting (sub-graphs) Expand/collapse state of owner nodes of sub-diagrams Relational Edge connects to node x (and port y) not simply have the end of the edge at the location of node x. Ports owned by nodes Nodes owned by graphs Graphs root of owned by nodes Edges owned by graphs (ordinary or intergraph) Labels owed by ports, nodes or edges 11/21/2018

16 Requirements – Translation Layer
Explicit mapping between back end and front end Comprehensible A viewer should, without needing to explicitly view the source data, be able to determine the approximate meaning or significance of the diagram. Reproducible With access to only the Back End and Translation Layer, be able to create a functional duplicate of the front end visualization. Unambiguous With access to only the Front End and Translation Layer, be able to derive important aspects and critical structure of the back end data. Facilitates a single interpretation of the data by multiple users. 11/21/2018

17 Requirements – Model-to-View Mapping
Data to graph objects Refer to Object Template Set Data to rendering style Choose particular Object Templates to apply Control attributes referenced by Object Templates Data to layout properties Spacing Style Other preferences Data to layout constraints Swim lanes Groups Edge routing Sequencing Separation Position 11/21/2018

18 BACKUP 11/21/2018

19 Model Visualization – Intent and Derivation
Driving Requirement (R3) The next-generation modeling language and tools must provide flexible and rich visualization and reporting capabilities to support a broad range of model users. High Level Intent and Derived “Requirements” The next-generation modeling language and tools must enable visual representation of model data in a variety of forms. [R3] Visualization must easily navigate to/from model data to other visualizations from other Engineering (and Program Disciplines) [R3,5,8] Visualization must include non-diagrammatic views (tables, matrices, etc.) [R3,8] Visualization must support both static and dynamic representations [R3,11] Visualization must support SE Use Cases [R3,8] Visualizations should be initially simple [R3,8] Visualizations should provide easy access to associated data (meta data) [R3,5] Visualization should provide some ability to manage appropriate data from the visualization back to the model [R3,11] 11/21/2018

20 Visualization Services - Detail
SME/SysML 2 Service Customize Language Customize Service Interoperate Construct Model Visualize Model Analyze Model Manage Model Support Workflow Support Collaboration Service Description Input Output Extend and customize modeling language Present language concept x Create symbol User-defined input for domain symbology Domain-specific symbology available for viewpoint definition Update symbol Delete symbol Assign symbol to concept Update user interface - Customized language data - Custom language meta data - Incorporated custom language elements (symbol, note, etc.) - Incorporated custom language meta data (mouse-over, queriable, etc.) Define model views Filter data Filterable selection data Rendered Filtered View Define template - Existing template information - User input to template - Template meta data (i.e. version, etc.) Saved, controlled template available for selection Present results Present default views - Selected controller data (including filtered info) - Default view information Rendered View Present customized views Controller Data Present query results Present analysis/execution results Present validation results Specify viewpoints (includes both query definition and presentation definition) Define Viewpoint - User Input - Controller input needs Rendered Controller View Update Viewpoint Delete Viewpoint Define Thin View Artifact Define Rich View Artifact Rendered Controller View as a persitent Rich View Artifact Read Rich View Artifact Define, update, delete, and execute model queries to support visualization and analysis Define query Update query Delete query Execute query Rendered Controller View, and Rendered View Manage changes to model Compare/Diff Model X - Source Model and Target Model Data - Compare/Diff Controller Data Rendered Compared Model View Compare/Diff Model Element - Source Model Element and Target Model Element Data - Compare/Diff Controller Data Rendered Compared Element View Compare/Diff Diagram - Source Diagram and Target Diagram Data - Compare/Diff Controller Data Rendered Compared Diagram View Comments Schreiber: Constructing the model is no different than any other visualization and so does not get special handling Schreiber: Visualization should apply facility for different methods (plots, charts, heat maps) that relate to the specific SysML diagram types Schreiber: The visualization framework should extend beyond diagrammatic representaions Schreiber: For Define Viewpoint service, thin and thick views. For thin, need only the ability to define the artifact. Schreiber: For Define Thin View Artifact service. Similar to a PDF export that is a transient operation and doesn't require management of the view Sarrel: For Re-baseline Branch service, the Git version control system has a powerful concept called re-baselining that could be applied to model version control to work in a branch, and keep up with the latest changes in the trunk in a clean way. Sarrel: For Diff services, use cases should include both ephemeral and persistent views 11/21/2018

21 Stakeholder Context for Visualization
Model Data User Contributor System Modeler Heavy Model User Modeling Tool and Language Traditional System Definition Pattern and Ontology Development Light Model User Contextual Interaction and Modification Attribute and Value Definition Analysis Data Consumer Read-Only Use Data Association and Connection Ad-hoc and Alternative Viewing 11/21/2018

22 Systems Modeling Environment Conceptual Architecture
Need to refine definition of the conceptual architecture to account for additional stakeholders and uses

23 MVC - OpenMBEE Example 11/21/2018

24 SME Requirement #3 - Visualization
3. The next-generation modeling language and tools must provide flexible and rich visualization and reporting capabilities to support a broad range of model users. SysML currently includes concepts for view and viewpoint. Tool vendors and end users have been able to apply this capability to query the model and provide flexible reporting capability. The next generation must extend this capability with advanced visualization techniques that include dynamic zoom, filtering, and traversal of model relationships, and visualizing the dynamic behavior of a system, such as provided by simulations. The modeling language must also support symbol libraries that extend well beyond the current SysML notations. It is also expected that the modeling environment will provide a simplified web interface to dynamically view the model from a diverse set of viewpoints. 11/21/2018

25 MBSE Capability: Visualize Model Data
Task objective Elaborate concepts, requirements, and metrics for effective model construction that support the next generation system modeling language (SysML v2) Use Cases Systems engineers, other discipline engineers, and systems engineering data consumers visualize system model data throughout the lifecycle to support system specification, design, analysis, and verification activities. MoE Ability to represent model data in a variety of forms Ability to navigate between model views Ability to navigate to model views from other disciplines (Engineering and other) Ability to define ad hoc views of model data High Level Intent/Driving Requirement:   The next-generation modeling language and tools must enable visual representation of model data in a variety of forms. (now in back end) Visualization must easily navigate to/from model data to other visualizations from other Engineering (and Program Disciplines) (tool requirement, partially captured in front end) Visualization must include non-diagrammatic views (tables, matrices, etc.) (need to determine if this is a tool issue or whether spec wants to be this broad) Visualization must support both static and dynamic representations (likely a tool requirement) Visualization must support SE Use Cases Visualizations should be initially simple (made more explicit in translation layer) Visualizations should provide easy access to associated data (meta data) (decomposed into per-layer requirements) Visualization should provide some ability to manage appropriate data from the visualization back to the model (this is a tool requirement, but also addressed to some extent in translation layer - unambiguous) 11/21/2018

26 Stakeholder Visualization Drivers
Visualization Paradigm – Purpose for visualization by stakeholder type Interaction Constraint – Extent to which stakeholder input should be constrained by language Contribution - Ability to modify model data during interaction with visualization Extension – Possible additional needs for visualization beyond pure system engineering process 11/21/2018

27 Informed by SE Use Cases Visualization Stakeholders
Modeling User – includes users with requirements for CRUD access including multiple manipulation modes (GUI, bulk-load, etc.) Domain User – includes users with requirements for limited or access controlled CRUD access and unlimited view-only access (other SE’s, other Eng domains) Casual User – includes all users with requirements for view-only access Visualization Types Taxonomy Applicable Standards ISO10303 Special Discussion on the Requirement to Use SysML Syntax (Diagramming Conventions) in Visualizations Special Discussion on the Use of SysML Extensions and Domain-Specific Views (i.e. iconography, Safety views, etc.) 11/21/2018

28 Categorizations of Data Visualization Types
2D-Planar Examples – Cartograms Point Distributions Contour Maps 3D-Volumetric CAD Surface and Volume Geometries Point Cloud and Heat Map (MRI) Temporal (not just Time!) Timeline/Time Series/Alluvial Flow, Sankey, Arc Multi-Dimensional Categorization – Pie Chart, Histogram, Bar Chart, Tree Map, Stacked Area Relationship – Parallel Set, Spider Hierarchical General Tree, Dendrogram, Radial Tree, Hyperbolic Tree, Stack Map Network Node Link Matrix Radial Dependency Hive Plot 11/21/2018

29 SE Data Uses – The “V” Stakeholder Needs
CONOPS Mission Timelines/Events/Scenarios – Timeline, Hierarchical, Network, 2D and 3D Visualization Mission Needs – Hierarchical, nDimensional Requirements Development and Management Requirements – Hierarchical, Network, 3D, Temporal Architecture Functional Architecture – Hierarchical, nD, Temporal, Network Physical Architecture – Hierarchical, Temporal, 3D, nD, Network Mission Critical Event/Item/Process – Timeline, Hierarchical, Temporal, Network, 2D, 3D, nD Budgets and Allocation – Hierarchical, Temporal, Network Implementation – covered mainly in Detail Design Discipline Tools Integration – Assembly Sequence – Timeline, Hierarchical, 2D, 3D, nD, Temporal Verification – Verification Plan – Timeline, Network, Hierarchical, Temporal Validation Validation Plan – Timeline, Network, Hierarchical, Temporal 11/21/2018

30 SE Data Uses - Other Operation/Sustainment -
Disposal – Timeline, Temporal, 3D Analysis (System Level) System Performance Decision Analysis Risk Specialties Reliability System Safety Etc. 11/21/2018

31 SE Use Cases - Abstract SE Process/Practice
Process Output – Visualization Type 11/21/2018

32 MBE To-Be State Source: NDIA MBE Final Report dated February 2011
Hardware Models Q SET CLR S R System Models Component Models ò G ( s ) U Analysis Models Operational Models Component Models System Models ò G ( s ) U Analysis Models Operational Models Configuration Management Program Management Test Manufacturing Hardware Systems Customer Logistics Software System Models Operational Models The MBE to-be state leverages MBE across the acquisition life cycle to enhance affordability, shorten delivery time, and reduce risk. In the to-be state, the models become an integral part of the technical baseline, and evolve throughout the programs life cycle. The current state is characterized by gaps between domain silos and lifecycle development phase hand-offs that are often the source of errors until later in the development process when they are more expensive to fix.  The future state of MBE seeks to reduce these errors though seamless integration of model data across domains and across the lifecycle by aligning shared model properties and assumptions. Different engineering disciplines concurrently operate on different facets of the system and/or product design, such that the impact of a change in one model can be readily assessed in another model. Engineering and programmatic knowledge is shared through a common technical baseline. The models developed by each discipline evolve in maturity throughout the life cycle, and are not thrown away and redeveloped as the program transitions from one phase of development to another. This includes the up-front mission analysis models, the system requirements and architecture models, the detailed hardware and software design models, and the detailed simulation models used to assess and verify all aspects of the system as it evolves. Early validation of requirements including those for manufacturing and support, and efficient development of a fully integrated technical baseline result in significant improvement to the development process. The collaborative foundation provides a means to share the information from the model registry across the extended enterprise of customers, teammates and suppliers. The foundation includes the modeling standards that enable information exchange, the model registry that enables ready access to the different models, and a trusted environment which enforces protection of intellectual property and secure access to sensitive and classified data. The collaborative environment also enables reuse from one program to another to enable sharing across a family of products and system of systems. The MBE to-be state includes a workforce that is skilled in the use of the matured modeling methods and tools, an infrastructure that supports this capability, and policies that enable it. MBE Enhances Affordability, Shortens Delivery and Reduces Risk Across the Acquisition Life Cycle Needs Current Capabilities Budget/Schedule

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