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Your Brain on Drugs Presentation 8/13/08

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Presentation on theme: "Your Brain on Drugs Presentation 8/13/08"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Brain on Drugs Presentation 8/13/08
This is your Brain, this is your Brain on DRUGS, any Questions? YES LOTS! or Q Why do Youth Take Drugs? A BECAUSE THEY WORK ! So what can we do? Revised from a presentation by Ira Sachnoff Tobacco and Alcohol Consultant, SFSUD

2 Highlights What’s the teen environment The adolescent brain
Reward System Alcohol/Marijuana/Tobacco Influencing our children

3 Pruning “USE IT OR LOSE IT”– Reading, sports, music, video games, x-box, hanging out—whatever a child/teen is doing—these are the neural synapses that will be retained How children/teens spend their time is CRUCIAL to brain development since their activities guide the structure of the brain

4 Neuroadaptation & Hypofrontality Memory Loss
Neuroadaptivity – Dulling of the pleasure center of the brain Hypofrontality – Interference with the decision making area of brain Memory loss – Damage to the hippocampus

5 Reward System The reward system is responsible for seeking natural rewards that have survival value seeking food, water, sex, and nurturing Dopamine is this system’s primary neurotransmitter reward

6 Drugs Hijack the Brain’s Reward Circuitry
Immediate effect of drug use is an increase in dopamine Continued use of drugs reduces the brain’s dopamine production. Because dopamine is part of the reward system, the brain is “fooled” that the drug has survival value for the organism. The reward system responds with “drug seeking behaviors” Craving occurs and, eventually, dependence. reward

7 Dopamine vs. Serotonin Pleasure vs. Happiness
Dopamine produces a feeling of pleasure Serotonin produces a feeling of well being Difference between pleasure and happiness (short lived vs big picture) Developing skills, interest, relationships, meaning (“getting a life”)

8 The Message Non-Use is as Normal as Experimental Use Use = Risk
Risk is not Evenly Distributed Addiction is Real Quality of Life can be diminished even without developing addiction; i.e., Seduction Vs Addiction Motivations for Initial Vs Continuing Use are always different DELAY, DELAY, DELAY

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