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Spectroscopic Research of Pt + NH3

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1 Spectroscopic Research of Pt + NH3
The Search for Polyatomic Molecules 13450 13200 Jamie Gengler, Timothy Steimle, and Jinhai Chen Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 June 21, 2005 Funded by U.S. Dept. of Energy Basic Energy Sciences

2 Motivations / Objectives
Characterize and model spectra obtained from polyatomic products of Pt + NH3. Other polyatomic examples: SrNH2, SrCCH, SrNC (University of Waterloo group) Anticipation of detecting the species PtNH or PtNH2.

3 Plasma Chemistry and Fluorescence Detection.
pre-amp Gated photon counter 20 Hz Nd:YAG 355 nm (10mJ) PMT * Optical filter or Monochromator Lens IEEE computer board # * Platinum rod (rotated by stepper motor) Molecular beam * 20 Hz solenoid pulsed valve 20% NH3 80% Ar 500 psi Mirror 10-6 torr diffusion pump 10-5 torr diffusion pump (variable time delay) CW Titanium sapphire 750 nm * * D/A computer board Burleigh wavemeter RS232 serial computer board 1 RS232 serial computer board 2 #

4 Results of Previous Work.
K.Y. Jung, T.C. Steimle et al, J. Chem. Phys. 102 (2): Jan 1 4 3 2 Features 1 and 3 are unknown. Features 2 and 4 were assumed polyatomic in nature.

5 Results of Previous Work.
K.Y. Jung, T.C. Steimle et al, J. Chem. Phys. 102 (2): Jan TABLE I. The predicted ab initio properties of PtN. State Re(Å) Te(cm-1) we(cm-1) me(D) X2P a4S A2S b4D B2D C2D(II) D2S c4P E2D(III) d4P(II)

6 Unpublished Results. Low resolution spectra of Pt + NH3.
Other reagents (CH3CN, NO, N2, …) produce no spectra! 13440 Dispersed Fluorescence (next 2 slides) 13250 12435 13120 ??? 13450 12400

7 This molecule is probably PtN!
Unpublished Results. Laser Line Laser Line 945 cm-1 n1 n1 This molecule is probably PtN!

8 This molecule is probably PtN!
Unpublished Results. Laser Line Laser Line n1 940 cm-1 n1 This molecule is probably PtN!

9 Results of Previous Work.
K.Y. Jung, T.C. Steimle et al, J. Chem. Phys. 102 (2): Jan TABLE I. The predicted ab initio properties of PtN. State Re(Å) Te(cm-1) we(cm-1) we(cm-1)a me(D) X2P a4S A2S b4D B2D C2D(II) D2S c4P E2D(III) d4P(II) a Observed value. E.J. Friedman-Hill and R.W. Field, J. Chem. Phys. 100 (9), May 1, 1994

10 This molecule cannot be PtN!
Unpublished Results. Laser Line n1 n2 n3 Laser Line 210 cm-1 440 cm-1 650 cm-1 n1 n2 n3 This molecule cannot be PtN!

11 Pt Pt Platinum Dimer. ni = Ei – E0
where Ei = we(vi + ½) + wexe(vi + ½)2 Compare these to literature values: we = 222 cm-1 wexe = 0.6 cm-1 M.D. Morse et al, J. Chem Phys., 115 (16), 7543 (2001) we = 218 ± 21cm-1 wexe = -0.2 ± 5.7cm-1 Band near cm-1 has already been assigned as Pt2. M.D. Morse et al, J. Chem Phys., 89 (9), 5517 (1988)

12 This molecule cannot be PtN!
Unpublished Results. n1 n2 n3 n4 Laser Line Laser Line 445 cm-1 655 cm-1 877 cm-1 1095 cm-1 n1 n2 n3 n4 This molecule cannot be PtN!

13 Unpublished Results. 0.2 cm-1 13439.80 13440.50 195Pt 194Pt Natural
Abundances: 194Pt = 32.9% 195Pt = 33.8% 196Pt = 25.3% 198Pt = 7.2% 198Pt 196Pt 194Pt 195Pt 0.2 cm-1

14 Unpublished Results. Could this molecule be PtNHx? Pt + ND3 13440
13500 13400

15 Unpublished Results. Could this molecule be PtNHx? No!! Photon Counts
Pt + ND3 Photon Counts -1 Wavenumber (cm )

16 Platinum Dinitrogen? Obs. frequencies (in solid Ar):
cm-1 (n1), cm-1 (n2) A. Citra et al, J. Phys. Chem. A 105, 7799 (2001) 2V = k1(DrNN)2 + k2(DrPtN)2 + k3(Df)2 445 cm-1 n2 In matrix form: |GF – l| = 0 655 cm-1 2n3 877 cm-1 2n2 Calculated nitrogen isotope shifts: Dn1 = cm-1 Dn2 = cm-1 Dn3 = cm-1 1095 cm-1 n2+2n3

17 Unpublished Results. Could this molecule be PtN2? No!! Photon Counts
Pt + 14NH3 Pt + 15NH3 Photon Counts Wavenumber (cm-1)

18 Platinum Dimer. M.D. Morse et al, J. Chem Phys., 89 (9), 5517 (1988)

19 Platinum Dimer. we/ ~ 187cm-1
Pt2 System VIII 0-0 1-0 13440 cm-1 Dispersed Fluorescence 2 4 we/ ~ 187cm-1 13450 wavenumber (cm-1) 13200 13700 wavenumber (cm-1) 12050 M.D. Morse et al, J. Chem Phys., 89 (9), 5517 (1988) M.D. Morse et al, J. Chem Phys., 115 (16), 7543 (2001)

20 Results of Previous Work.
K.Y. Jung, T.C. Steimle et al, J. Chem. Phys. 102 (2): Jan Pt2 System XVIII (n00 ~ cm-1) 3-0 4-0 we/ ~ 171 cm-1 18400 18500 18600 Laser wavenumber

21 Platinum Dimer Chemistry.
Pt2 (as well as PtN) spectra disappear unless NH3 is used. Why?? Proposed chemical chain reaction: 2Pt* + 2NH3 2PtN + 3H2 2PtN Pt2 + N DE ~ -5.22eV 2) Proposed metal cluster 3-body collision1 facilitated by NH3 chemisorption to Pt2: 2Pt* + :NH3 Pt* :NH3 Pt* Pt* :NH3 Pt2 + NH3* (or fragments) Pt* Michael D. Morse, “Supersonic Beam Sources”, Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences, 29B, 735 (1996) M. Garcia-Hernandez et al, Surface Science, 430, 18 (1999)

22 Conclusions. PtN2 in abstract is actually Pt2.
First known metal dimer/cluster formation facilitated by a reagent (NH3). Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

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