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Bellwork: (On the next white page, write ‘Bellwork 8-15 to 8-19) Write a paragraph about Why did they leave England?

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork: (On the next white page, write ‘Bellwork 8-15 to 8-19) Write a paragraph about Why did they leave England?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork: (On the next white page, write ‘Bellwork 8-15 to 8-19) Write a paragraph about Why did they leave England?

2 Quick Write: You are one of the travelers
Quick Write: You are one of the travelers. Why did you choose to leave your home country and make this journey?

3 Revise your Quick Write: After watching this video clip, spice up your writing with vivid details!

4 Mayflower Compact, 1620

5 The Mayflower Compact "In the name of God, Amen
The Mayflower Compact "In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, ect. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by Virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the General good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, King James of England, France and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domini, 1620.“ There followed the signatures of 41 of the 102 passengers, 37 of whom were Separatists fleeing religious persecution in Europe. This compact established the first basis in the new world for written laws. Half of the colony failed to survive the first winter, but the remainder lived on and prospered.

6 Jigsaw with “Mayflower and the Mayflower Compact”
Analyze the section you have been given!! Mark it up and take notes tin the margin. Be ready to discuss with your team!!

7 Copy this in your composition book:
“The Mayflower Compact” Summary Paragraph:

8 Turn your SS homework in the drawer!!
Start on a new page and copy this timeline in your composition book: April 1620 The Mayflower returns to England to be used again as a trading ship. Sep. 6, 1620 The Mayflower departs Plymouth, England. Nov. 9, 1620 Land is sighted and the landing of Cape Cod, MA. Nov. 11, 1620 The pilgrim leaders sign the Mayflower Compact. The first government document of the Plymouth Colony. What caused the pilgrims to not land in the Virginia Colony? Why did they undertake this voyage? Oct. 7, 1620 Violent Storms blow the ship off track.

9 Would you have signed?

10 Mayflower Compact, 1620 1.) Which of the following American Constitutional Principles are found in the passage? A.) Due Process B.) Popular Sovereignty C.) Freedom of the Press D.) Freedom of Religion 2.) Based on your answer to question #1, justify your response with one piece of evidence from the passage.

11 ________. According to _______, “________.”
2.) Based on your answer to question #1, justify your response with one piece of evidence from the passage. ________. According to _______, “________.” Pink = stating the source Green = brief statement in your own words that answers the question and connects to your supporting evidence Yellow = evidence from the text to support your idea.

12 Mayflower Compact, 1620 Pair-Share
1.) Which of the following American Constitutional Principles are found in the passage? A.) Due Process B.) Popular Sovereignty C.) Freedom of the Press D.) Freedom of Religion Pair-Share 2.) Based on your answer to question #1, justify your response with one piece of evidence from the passage.

13 Mayflower Compact, 1620 1.) Which of the following American Constitutional Principles are found in the passage? A.) Due Process B.) Popular Sovereignty C.) Freedom of the Press D.) Freedom of Religion

14 2.) Based on your answer to question #1, justify your response with one piece of evidence from the passage. The constitutional principle found in the passage is freedom of religion. According to passage, “In an attempt to escape persecution and to practice their religion freely, they approached the Virginia Company and asked if they could settle in America .” Pink = stating the source Green = brief statement in your own words that answers the question and connects to your supporting evidence Yellow = evidence from the text to support your idea.

15 Mayflower Compact, 1620 3.) The Mayflower Compact has been interpreted as an important step in the evolution of democratic government in America. Which statement from the passage would you use to make this claim true?

16 According to _______, “________.”
3.) Why has the Mayflower Compact been interpreted as an important step in the evolution of democratic government in America? Support your answer statement with evidence from the passage. According to _______, “________.” Pink = stating the source Green = brief statement in your own words that answers the question and connects to your supporting evidence Yellow = evidence from the text to support your idea.

17 Lab Safety Rules Mrs. Clarke
The Do’s & Do Not’s Of the Science Lab

18 Glue in Science composition book and be prepared to label!

19 Minion Science Fashion
Safety Goggles Always wear proper clothing! Don’t wear loose clothing and always roll up sleeves. Gloves to keep hands clean Walking Closed toe shoes for feet protection. No Running in the Classroom!

20 Minion Science Hair Tips
Always Pull back hair away from face. Don’t wear loose clothing. Remove scarfs and jewelry.

21 Minion Science Fashion
Always Wear clothes on science lab days and all other days too!

22 Science Lab Pointers Listen carefully to the instructions and make sure you understand exactly what you are to do. Follow instructions and use equipment properly. Do only the experiment and activities assigned by your science teacher. Before you begin, read the activity all the way through. Always get permission before beginning the activity!

23 Science Lab Pointers Always Take Good Notes and Recall the steps you or your group took during the experiment. Report any accident or injury, no matter how small, to your science teacher. Report broken equipment, damaged or defective facilities and unidentified chemicals to you science teacher immediately.

24 Science Lab Pointers Keep Hands, pens, pencils, etc. away from your mouth. Never inhale fumes directly, waft the fumes towards your nose.

25 Science Lab Don'ts Never eat or drink in the lab, and never use lab glassware as food or drink containers. Never inhale chemicals. Do not taste any substance or draw any material into a tube with you mouth.

26 Science Lab Don’ts Don’t be a bossy partner! Don’t be a know it all!
Get Along in your Group! *Value all group members’ opinions.

27 Science Lab and Mrs. Herbert has a No Electronic Policy!
Don’t be “That Group” who takes a Zero on a science lab, because you have an electronic device. No Devices!!!

28 Science Lab Don’ts No Horse playing during Science lab or in Mrs. Herbert’s Class Period!!! Don’t be a MEANIE!

29 Science Lab Safety Keep all material away from open flames. If a fire should break out in the classroom, Know the locations of fire alarms.

30 Minion Clean up Clean up all work areas completely at the end of an experiment or activity. You will be expected to leave your work station neat for other classes to use. It is important to be aware of safety when you clean up after an activity. Follow these procedures: Return all materials to their proper place. Dispose of chemicals and other materials as directed by your science teacher. Clean your work area thoroughly. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after working. Never take anything out of the classroom unless you have permission.

31 Are there any questions?
Remember that if you are talking while instructions are being given, you are missing important information. Labs are meant to be a learning experience. If we follow the rules, science lab can be a lot of FUN!!!!

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