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ESSnet Linked Open Statistics Update

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1 ESSnet Linked Open Statistics Update
February 2018 Paul Morrin & Eoin MacCuirc, Central Statistics Office, Ireland

2 Overview About the ESSnet Outline of Work Packages Progress to date
Overview of elements of Linked Open Statistical Data (LOSD) from an NSI (Ireland) Next steps

3 About ESSnet Four NSIs Bulgaria (Project Coordinator), France, Ireland, Italy Subcontracting work to academic experts from research communities in France and Ireland Objectives of ESSnet To explore NSIs publishing statistical data as LOSD on the semantic web To allow users to engage with statistical data easily as linked open data To prepare NSIs in the wider ESS to publish LOSD To recommend a way forward for the ESS to adopt and exploit LOSD Launched November 2017, initial LOSD published April and October 2018, final deliverables in April 2019

4 Outline of Work Packages
WP0 - Project Coordination, Bulgaria NSI WP1 – LOSD Pilots, user assessments and recommendations on horizontal topics, CSO Ireland Set up LOSD platform LOSD pilots, publishing LOSD for four separate domains Use cases for LOSD and user assessment of the LOSD solutions provided Recommendations for the future of LOSD in ESS and lessons learned WP2 - ESS Networking, Cooperation and Capacity Building, Insee France Dissemination of outputs from the ESSnet Set up a cooperation and collaboration platform for LOSD Organise capacity building materials and webinars

5 Progress to date November 2017, Grant Agreement signed
December 2017, Request for Tenders issued for research and technical support partners January 2018, Kick-off meeting February 2018, Task 2.1 Platform for collaboration proposed Insee February 2018, Contract offered to research and technical support contractors February 2018, First Hackathon in CSO, Dublin, Ireland ESSnet concludes April 2019

6 Overview of elements of ESSnet LOS Initial considerations in advance of Dublin Hackathon
Agile - initially linking one Census dataset then expanding further Link data locally, nationally and internationally incorporating non statistical datasets e.g. spatial, local government Each NSI hosts their own single source of RDF data NSI links RDF datasets to the European Data Portal (EDP) Data analyst accesses LOSD through a cloud based tool pulling from EDP Access to LOSD Open Cube toolkit (openly licensed LOSD, open source tools, freely available, cloud based) NSI data analysts can access and create cross domain products and services e.g. linking statistical, spatial and local government datasets for an easy to use citizen friendly view Capacity building in ESS once proven model is created

5* - Cork City Profile CSO Apps CSO Automatic eReleases CSO Horizontal eReport Clean CSO Statbank Staging HSE OSi 2013 GDP 2016 GDP CCC (Query Based API) Automatic JSON/RDF CSO Statbank INSEE Data Analyst UN Release DATA ISTAT GDP 0101 1010 Machine Readable Catalogue CKAN Lookup NSI BG Cloud based LOD platform Data Intermediary Bots European Data Portal KEY 4* Semantic Web Node Semantic Link Read / Copy European Data Portal IRELAND 5* LOD ESSnet WP1 PROTOTYPE


9 Next steps For advancement at the Dublin Hackathon, February 2018
Agree administration procedures of ESSnet and a detailed work plan timeline Meet subcontractors consortium and define vision and business case definitions, use case definitions, inventory of key resources Agree the specification for and build a training and collaboration platform Define and build the LOSD publishing pipeline, identify LOSD service architecture, recommend implementation strategy Define and build pilot implementation of LOSD on a centralised platform Agree pilot assessment criteria Define documentation, dissemination and harmonisation Agree a detailed capacity building plan Agree online training materials/knowledge base, training services and use case reporting

10 Thank you Questions?

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