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Estates General May 1789.

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Presentation on theme: "Estates General May 1789."— Presentation transcript:

1 Estates General May 1789

2 Meeting Feudal assembly that represented the Three Estates
Each estate was instructed to compile a list of suggestions and grievances and present them to the king

3 Common Agreements France should have a constitutional monarchy
Individual liberties must be guaranteed by law Position of parish clergy had to be improved Abolition of internal trade barriers

4 Main Issue How should the Estate vote?
Parlement of Paris ruled that voting in the Estates General would follow the tradition of each Estate voting separately First and Second Estates would then control the voting

5 Voting Took place during the worst depression in 18th century France
Grain shortage, poor harvest, and inflated bread prices May 5, 1789 Estates General met and the Third Estate was furious of voting method Third Estate refused to vote separately and a 6 week deadlock took place

6 National Assembly The Third Estate declared itself the true National Assembly A number of Parish Priests defected from the First Estate to join the Third The Third Estate was locked out of their meeting place by Louis XVI

7 Tennis Court Oath The Third Estate swore to remain together until it had given France a constitution Thus they assumed sovereign power on behalf of the nation In response, Louis XVI brought an army of 18,000 troops


9 Defections With members of the First and Second Estate supporting the Third Estate, Louis XVI had no choice but to recognize the National Assembly He dissolved the Estates General on June 27, 1789

10 National Assembly National Assembly dominated by bourgeoisie
Point of no return The king was now allied with the nobility while the Third Estate now feared the nobility more than ever

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