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Http:// No text is worth a life.

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Presentation on theme: "Http:// No text is worth a life."— Presentation transcript:

1 No text is worth a life

2 Distracted Driving Facts!
1.Over 1,600,000 people are affected by texting and driving every year 2.There are more than 400,000 distracted driving related deaths and permanent injuries per year

3 Distracted Driving Facts!
3.Teenage drivers have the reaction time of a 70 year old when texting while driving 4. During the last 30 days, 24.5% of 11th graders have admitted to using their phone while driving Wisconsin DPI Risk Behavioral Survey

4 Distracted Driving Facts!
5. During the past 30 days 43.1% of 12th graders have admitted to using their phone while driving

5 Distracted Driving Facts!
6.16.2% of those 12th graders report that they text 20 or more days per month. 7. 11 teens die everyday due to distracted driving

6 Distracted Driving Facts!
8. If 11 teens died everyday from South Milwaukee High School, the school would be empty after about 105 days which may sound long but is less than a school year. 9. 5 seconds is the minimal amount of attention to read a text which is 5 seconds that you are not looking at the road. If traveling 55 mph, this equals driving the length of a football field without looking at the road.

7 Liasion- Officer Dave and Officer Lewison

8 Lt. Craig Boschke- Firefighter/Paramedic

9 Valetta Bradford and Son, Xzavier

10 MORE! Had students try simulation during lunch periods
Students signed visual pledge banner Gave Out Lanyards Made t-shirts


12 Feedback! “I can’t believe you put this together” "WOW!"

13 Capital Day!


15 #SM4X Support X by

16 Special Thanks to our Wonderful Speakers & People who Contributed
Leaders: Kailyn Winfrey, Gabe Zarate , Mary Kokan, Susie Olson who made this project possible We want to thank those in FCCLA, HOSA, and FBLA who helped contribute -Also,Thank you volunteers for special assignments Special Thank You to our guest speakers! Including: -Ms. Valetta Bradford, Xzavier, and Aurie -Officer Lewison & Officer Dave -Lt. Craig Boschke

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