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CarolinaConnect is a cooperative and full member of NRECA

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2 CarolinaConnect is a cooperative and full member of NRECA
CarolinaConnect is a cooperative and full member of NRECA. CarolinaConnect utilizes CFC, NISC, and Federated for business functions, as other electric cooperatives do.

3 Purpose: CarolinaConnect was formed by MCEC to provide internet to all of its members, and to any other South Carolina electric cooperative’s members should they desire.

4 CarolinaConnect is an affiliated company of Mid Carolina Electric and Newberry Electric, who are the first 2 members.

5 CarolinaConnect provides all internet services over the member coop’s fiber network. A redundant active router network carries Metro Ethernet service, as well as PON internet to customers.

6 CarolinaConnect is building a redundant “service provider” Cisco network for internet routing.

7 A Calix PON network is overlaid on the redundant network

8 CarolinaConnect markets, provisions, installs, and bills customers on its own platform. CrowdFiber webface front end for customer interface with NISC provisioning and billing.

9 Calix Gigacenters are centrally deployed in customers’ homes.


11 CarolinaConnect Business Principles:
No contract No introductory pricing CC installers connect all wireless devices for customers No paper bills

12 Days per Thousand Customers
1- 1,000: 449 1,001- 2,000: 98 2,001- 3,000: 3,001- 3,500: *


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