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BullDog™ Through Casing

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1 BullDog™ Through Casing
City of Garland, Texas: BullDog™ Through Casing Installation of BullDog™ pipe into a casing in the Summer of Project used 6-inch, DR18, C900 pipe. Casing installation method used to minimize damage to the parking lot, above.

2 BullDog™ Through Casing
City of Garland, Texas: BullDog™ Through Casing 16 joints of pipe installed through the casing. The first ten joints were walked in by crew. The entire push took only 35 minutes.

3 BullDog™ Through Casing
City of Garland, Texas: BullDog™ Through Casing Bulldog Restraint System has a smaller outside diameter than traditional metallic harness restraint systems. The smaller outside diameter allows a smaller casing to be used, a less expensive auger bit, less spoil, and less time for augering the hole.

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