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B. Sciascia, INFN/Frascati for the KLOE collaboration
Vus measurement at KLOE B. Sciascia, INFN/Frascati for the KLOE collaboration DIF2006 28 February LNF
Unitarity test of CKM matrix – Vus
Most precise test of unitarity possible at present comes from 1st row: |Vud|2 + |Vus|2 + |Vub|2 ~ |Vud|2 + |Vus|2 1 – D Can test if D = 0 at level: from super-allowed nuclear b-decays: 2|Vud|dVud = from semileptonic kaon decays: |Vus|dVus = Extract |Vus| from Kl3 decays. EM effects must be included: G(K pℓn(g)) |Vus f+K0p-(0) |2 I(lt) SEW(1 + dEM + dSU(2) ) d|Vus| dG dI(lt) df+K0p-(0) Relative uncertainty: = |Vus| G I(lt) f+K0p-(0) Extract |Vus| from (K())/(()) ratio. Dominated by the theoretical uncertainity on the fK/f evaluation. KLOE can measure all experimental inputs: branching ratios, lifetimes, and form factors.
Outline - DAFNE and KLOE
- Measuring absolute Branching Ratios at a f-factory - Vus related results on: K short: BR(KSe3), KSe3 form factor, BR(KSm3) K long: BR(KLℓ3), tL direct measurement and from BR=1, KLℓ3 form factors Charged kaons: t, BR(Kℓ3), BR(K+m2) - Vus from KLOE results - Unitarity test
The DAFNE e+e collider
Collisions at c.m. energy around the f mass: s ~ MeV Angle between the beams at crossing: acrs 12.5 mrad Residual laboratory momentum of f: pf ~ 13 MeV/c Cross section for f peak: sf ~ 3.1 mb Grand total (2001/5): L = 2.5 fb-1. L peak=1.3×1032 cm-2s-1. Results presented in this talk from 2001/2 data: L = 450 pb-1. KLOE plots: end 2005
The KLOE detector Large cylindrical drift chamber
Lead/scintillating-fiber calorimeter. Superconducting coil: 0.52 T field. He/IsoC4H10 90/10 drift chamber 4m-, 3.75m-length, all-stereo sp/p = 0.4 % (tracks with q > 45°) sxhit = 150 mm (xy), 2 mm (z) sxvertex ~1 mm Lead-Scintillating fiber calorimeter sE/E = 5.7% /E(GeV) st = 54 ps /E(GeV) 50 ps (relative time between clusters) PID capabilities sL(gg) ~ 2 cm (p0 from KL p+p-p0)
K physics at KLOE - tagging
KSKL (K+K-) produced from f are in a pure JPC = 1-- state: f decay mode BR K+K- 49.1% KSKL 34.1% f KS, K+ KL, K- Observation of KS,L signals presence of KL,S ; K+, signals K ,+ Allow precise absolute branching ratio measurement, by means of a tag technique: BR = (Nsig/Ntag)(1/esig), This relies on the capability of selecting a tag kaon independently on the decay mode of the other. In fact some dependency on signal mode exists: BR = (Nsig/Ntag) (1/esig) (eTageTag(sig)). Tag bias: carefully measured using MC and data control samples. K- m- K+ p+ g
Tagged KL and KS “beams”
KL tagged by KS p+p- vertex at IP Efficiency ~ 70% (mainly geometrical) KL angular resolution: ~ 1° KL momentum resolution: ~ 1 MeV KS p+p- KL 2p0 KS tagged by KL interaction in EmC Efficiency ~ 30% (largely geometrical) KS angular resolution: ~ 1° KS momentum resolution: ~ 1 MeV KL “crash” = 0.22 (TOF) KS p-e+n
Measurement of BR(KS pen)
- Kinematic cuts to reject background from KS pp - e/p ID from TOF: identifies charge of final state Determine number of signal counts by fitting Emiss(pe) - pmiss data distribution to a linear combination of MC spectra for signal and bkg (MC includes peng and ppg processes). Event selection: Normalize using KS pp events in same data set. Final result: Accepted by PLB BR(p-e+n) = (3.528 0.062) 10-4 BR(p+e-n) = (3.517 0.058) 10-4 BR(pen) = (7.046 0.091) 10-4 BR(pen) [KLOE ’02, 17 pb-1]: (6.91 0.34 0.15) 10-4 l+ = ( 33.9 4.1 ) 10-3
KS pmn: first observation
• Measurement never done before • More difficult than KSe3: 1) Lower BR: expect 410-4 2) Background events from KS pp, p mn: same PIDs of the signal • Event counting from the fit to Emiss(pm) -Pmiss distribution: 3% stat error • Efficiency estimate from KLm3 early decays and from MC + data control samples. Data KS m-p+n + ppg + pp -40 -20 20 40 Emiss(pm)-Pmiss (MeV)
Dominant KL branching ratios
Absolute BR measurements to 0.5-1% from ’01-’02 data set (328 pb-1) KL tagged by KS p+p- : 13106 for the measurement 4106 used to evaluate efficiencies BR’s to pen, pmn, and p+p-p0: KL vertex reconstructed in DC PID using decay kinematics Fit with MC spectra including radiative processes and optimized EmC response to m/p/KL BR to p0p0p0: Photon vertex reconstructed by TOF using EmC (3 clusters) Erec = 99%, background < 1% (7% of the sample) Lesser of pmiss-Emiss in pm or mp hyp.
Dominant KL BR’s and KL lifetime
Errors on absolute BR’s dominated by error on tL, via the geometrical efficiency (eFV) eFV BR(pen + pmn + p+p-p0 +3p0)KLOE + BR(p+p- + p0p0)PDG’04 = l(KL) Using the constraint BR(KL) = 1 we get: BR(KL e() ) = stat syst ~ 8105 events BR(KL () ) = stat syst ~ 5105 events BR(KL 3) = stat syst ~ 7105 events BR(KL () ) = stat syst ~ 2105 events BR, misura diretta: stat=stat + syst-stat dell’articolo; syst=syst+corr-syst dell’articolo PLB608(2005) 199 Published tL= 0.17 ns
Direct measurement of KL lifetime
× 102 Events/0.3 ns Measure using KL p0p0p0 Require 3 g’s e(LK) ~ 99%, uniform in L sL(gg) ~ 2.5 cm Background ~ 1.3% Use KL π+π-π0 to determine: - EmC time scale - Photon vertex efficiency PK = 110 MeV Excellent lever arm for lifetime measurement ns cm 0.37 lL KLOE 400 pb-1: 107 KL p0p0p0 evts tL = 0.17 0.25 ns Published PLB626(2005) 15 L/bgc (ns) Average with result from KL BR’s: tL = 0.23 ns Vosburg, ’72: tL = ± 0.44 ns
KLe3 form factor slopes l+
Data divided into 14 periods Good stability of results Good agreement for e+p-, p-e+ l+ period Needed for evaluation of phase-space integrals (extraction of Vus) Fit of momentum transfer spectrum with different hypothesis on form factor f+(t)/ f+(0): Linear: 1 + l+t Quadratic: 1 + l+ t/mp+ + 1/2 l+ (t/mp+)2 Pole model: MV2/(MV2-t), Taylor exp. with l+=(mp/MV)2, l+=2 l+2 o.5/1.6 328 pb-1, 2 106 Ke3 decays t measured from p and KL momenta: st/mp2 0.3 Kinematic cuts + TOF PID to reduce background ( ~ 0.7% final contamination ) Separate measurement for each charge state (e+p-, p+e-) to check systematics
KLe3 form factor slopes: result
Linear fit: l+ c2/dof e+p /181 p+e /181 All /363 l+ = (28.6 0.5 0.4) 10-3 Quadratic fit: l+103 l+ c2/dof e+p /180 p+e /180 All /362 l+ = (25.5 1.5 1.0) 10-3 l+ = ( 1.4 0.7 0.4) 10-3 Correlation: r(l+, l+) = -0.95 Pole model: mV = 870(7) MeV (*) ISTRA+ mp/mp0 correction 25.5 +/- 1.8, fractional error 7% 1.4+/-0.8 fractional error 57% Integrale spazio delle fasi: Pole model (world av.): (11); Quadratico (world av.): (13) Pole model (KTev): (14); Quadratico (KTeV) = (32) Pole model (KLOE): (16); Quadratico (KLOE) = (29) Phase space integral, Pole model versus Quadratic parameterization: KLOE: 0.5 per mil difference KTeV: 6 per mil difference. Accepted by PLB
Measurement of the K lifetime
Two different methods to measure t allow cross checks on the systematic error. Common to both methods: Tag events with Km2 decay Identify a kaon decay vertex in the fiducial volume Tag(Km2) 1st method: obtain t from the K decay length Measure the kaon decay length taking into account the energy loss: tK = i Li/(bigic) Tracking efficiency and resolution measured on data by means of neutral vertex identification. Fit of the tK distribution. KLOE preliminary: t= 0.044Stat 0.065Syst ns 2nd method: obtain t from the K decay time Use only Kp2 decays Use tag information to estimate the T0 i.e. the fK+K time. Measure the kaon decay time: tK = (tg – Rg/c –T0)gK, using the p0 clusters Lorentz factor gK: slowly changing along the kaon path
K semileptonic decays
Tag using kaon 2 body decays. 4 independent samples: K+m2, K+p2, K-m2, and K-p2; allow to keep the systematic effects due to the tag selection under control. Obtain number of signal events from a constrained likelihood fit of a m2 data distributions from ToF measurements. Non semileptonic events are rejected using kinematical cuts; the residual background is about 1.5% of the selected Kl3 sample and has the mp2 signature. Measure selection efficiency on MC and correct for Data/MC differences. Ev/(14MeV)2 K Kpp0p0 Kpp0 MC
Measurement of BR(Kℓ3)
Perform the BR measurement on each tag sample separately normalizing to tag counts in the same data set. Averages carefully calculated taking correlations into account: Ev/(14MeV)2 KLOE preliminary: BR(Ke3) = (5.047 0.019Stat 0.039Syst-Stat 0.004SysTag)×10-2 BR(Km3) = (3.310 0.016Stat 0.045Syst-Stat 0.003SysTag)×10-2 MeV2 Fractional accuracy of 0.9% for Ke3, 1.4% for Km3. c2/DoF for the 4 independent-tag measurements: Ke3: 3.20/3, P(c2> cM2) 36% Km3: 5.32/3, P(c2> cM2) 15% The error is dominated by the error on Data/MC efficiency correction and the systematics due to the signal selection efficiency is under evaluation. Ke3, Km3; BR(Ke3) = / ; BR(Km3) = / (Ricalcolati il 22 febbraio 2006 a partire dagli errori scritti nella trasp, ripresi dalla memo p. 57) MeV2
Measurement of BR(K++())
Tag from K--. 2002 data set: 1/3 used for signal selection, 2/3 used as efficiency sample Subtraction of p0 identified background. Count events in (225,400) MeV window of the momentum distribution in K rest frame (p hypothesis) Selection efficiency measured on data. Radiated g acceptance measured on MC. BR(K+ m+n(g)) = stat. syst. Published PLB632(2006) 76 (K())/(()) |Vus|2/|Vud|2fK2/f2 From lattice calculations: fK /f =1.198(3)(+165) (MILC Coll. PoS (LAT 2005) 025,2005)
Vus from KLOE results (BR’s and tL)
Slopes: l+ = (30) l+ = (3) KLe3 KLm3 KSe3 Ke3 Km3 BR 0.4007(15) 0.2698(15) 7.046(91)×10-4 (46) (40) t 50.84(23) ns 89.58(6) ps 12.384(24) ns (Pole model: KLOE, KTeV, and NA48 average) l0 = (95) (KTeV and, Istra+ average) dal Perl di Matt con i numeri di Paolo Franzini from Vud and unitarity Vusf0 = / ; from Kl3 Vusf0 = / ; Vus = / Vusxf+(0) with pole model, Tau_L KLOE = (48) i.e (5) Using as pole masses: Mv=876.7(5.1 )MeV, Mp=1182(38)MeV c2/dof = 1.9/4 From unitarity f+(0)=0.961(8), Leutwyler and Roos Z.Phys. C25, 91, 1984 Vud= (27), Marciano and Sirlin Phys.Rev.Lett ,2006 Vus×f+(0) = (22)
Vus and Unitarity <Vus×f+(0)>WORLD AV. = 0.2164(4) Vus f+(0)
tL = 50.99(20) ns, average KLOE-PDG Including all new measurements for semileptonic kaon decays (KTeV, NA48, E865, and KLOE) plot: F.Mescia courtesy Questa e` quella buona! Average KLOE+KTeV+NA48+E865 Vus(Mescia) =0.2164(4) <Vus×f+(0)>WORLD AV. = (4) From unitarity f+(0)=0.961(8), Leutwyler and Roos Z.Phys. C25, 91, 1984 Vud= (27), Marciano and Sirlin Phys.Rev.Lett ,2006 Vus×f+(0) = (22)
The Vus- Vud plane Inputs: Vus = 0.2254 0.0020
Kl3 KLOE, using f+(0)=0.961(8) Vud = Marciano and Sirlin Phys.Rev.Lett ,2006 Vus/Vud = Km2 KLOE (K())/(()) |Vus|2/|Vud|2fK2/f2 Fit results, P(c2) = 0.66: Vus = Fit result assuming unitarity, P(c2) = 0.23: Vus = unitarity Vud from Fermi super-allowed beta decays, valore di Vud=.97377(27) verificato in Marciano hep-ph/ , pubbl. Phys.Rev.Lett. 96:032002 Vus from: Kl3 e tauL KLOE NEW(24feb2006) Vus = (195) Kl3 e tauL AVE NEW(24feb2006) Vus = (194) Fit1 a due parametri: P(chi2) = 66% Fit2 a un parametro+unitarieta`: P(chi2) = 23%
Vus at KLOE - Conclusions
“All” kaon semileptonic branching ratios measured with a fractional accuracy accuracy ranging from 0.4% to 1.4%; the measurements are completely inclusive: Kℓ3(g). First direct measurement of BR(KS pmn) coming soon with a statistical accuracy of 3%. Two independent measurements of tL: 0.5% fractional accuracy. KLe3 form factors: pole model. Significant contribution to the determination of Vus f+(0) to 0.2% 0.3% fractional accuracy on BR(Km2(g)) measurement Independent determination of Vus at 0.7% level, dominated by theoretical uncertainy. Preliminary result on K lifetime. Perspectives with 2.5 fb-1 of collected data: Fractional accuracy of < 1% on the BR for KS pen and for Kℓ3 More and better measurements of form-factor slopes (Ke3 and Km3). Measurement of BR(KS pmn), accuracy < 2%
the “young” physicists of KLOE
Thank you, Paolo! Photos: S. Chi and P. Valente courtesy the “young” physicists of KLOE
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KLe3 form factor slopes: result
Linear fit: l+10-3 c2/dof e+p /181 p+e /181 All /363 l+ = (28.6 0.5 0.4) 10-3 Quadratic fit: l+ l+10-3 c2/dof e+p /180 p+e /180 All /362 l+ = (25.5 1.5 1.0) 10-3 l+ = ( 1.4 0.7 0.4) 10-3 Correlation: r(l+, l+) = -0.95 Pole model: mV = 870(7) MeV Pole model versus Quadratic parameterization: 0.5 per mil difference in phase space integral, Ie. 25.5 +/- 1.8, fractional error 7% 1.4+/-0.8 fractional error 57% Integrale spazio delle fasi: Pole model (world av.): (11); Quadratico (world av.): (13) Pole model (KTev): (14); Quadratico (KTeV) = (32) Pole model (KLOE): (16); Quadratico (KLOE) = (29) (*) ISTRA+ mp/mp0 correction
KS pen: Signal extraction
Fit distributions of 5 variables in data with various MC sources Close kinematics: Emiss(pe) - pmiss = 0 MC includes peng and ppg processes dPCA = PCA1 – PCA2 eliminates p m kinks and badly reconstructed tracks Data MC fit pen pp, p m ppg pbadp ppbad other -50 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Emiss(pe) - pmiss (MeV) -100 -150 Evts/MeV dPCA (cm) -4 4 8 -8 100 200 300 400 500 Evts/0.2cm PCA2 PCA1 Tagging methods, accuracy on tagged beam momentum Beta of the klong cluster instead of crash
Comparing form factor models
f+(0) = 0.961(8) from Leutwyler and Roos tL = 50.99(20) ns, average KLOE-PDG Form factors: average KLOE, KTeV, Istra+, NA48 - Quadratic parameterization l+ = l+ = l0 = - Pole model l+ = MV = 5.1 MeV l0 = MP = 1182 38 MeV Vus f+(0) plot: F.Mescia courtesy Vus = / ; aggiungere frase su coerenza delle misure con il modello polare Quadratic paramet. Pole model
Vus at KLOE – summer 2005 Using: f+(0) = 0.961(8) from Leutwyler and Roos KL lifetime from KLOE: tL = 50.84(23) ns All BR’s from KLOE: KLe3 KLm3 KSe3 Ke3 Km3 BR 0.4007 0.2698 0.0505 0.0331 dBR 0.0018 0.0012 0.0004 0.0005 Usare plot nuovo di Federico Mescia Fitting the 5 |Vusf+(0)| KLOE determinations: 2/dof=1.7/4 Using also KTeV inputs, Vusf+(0) becomes (4)
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