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What is Mrs. P’s arch-enemy?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Mrs. P’s arch-enemy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Mrs. P’s arch-enemy?
Monday, August 29th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What is Mrs. P’s arch-enemy?

2 Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

3 Tuesday, August 30th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What part of a map should be written in ALL CAPS?

4 Wednesday, August 31st 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What is the westernmost point of the United States?



7 Thursday Sept. 1st 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
Name the first 10 states in alphabetical order!

8 Friday, Sept. 2nd 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
Name the second 10 states in alphabetical order! (start after Georgia!)

9 Tuesday, Sept. 6th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
Name the third 10 states in alphabetical order! (start after Maryland!)

10 Wednesday, Sept. 7th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
Name the fourth 10 states in alphabetical order! (start after New Jersey!)

11 Thursday, Sept. 8th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
Name the fifth 10 states in alphabetical order! (start after South Carolina!)

12 Friday, Sept. 9th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
1. How do you get missed work when you miss a day in Mrs. P’s class?

13 Monday, Sept. 12th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What is Mrs. P’s late policy?

14 What is the largest river in the United States?
Tuesday, Sept. 13th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What is the largest river in the United States?

15 Wednesday, Sept. 14th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What does hunter-gatherer mean? 2. What does domesticate mean?

16 Thursday, Sept. 15th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What are the two theories for how humans came to North America?

17 Friday, Sept. 16th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
Which ancient civilization built irrigations systems in southwestern America?

18 Monday, Sept. 19th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What is the name of the tribe that encountered the Pilgrims?

19 Tuesday, Sept. 20th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What is the name of the mountain range on the eastern part of the U.S.? Who invented a number system with zero?

20 Wednesday, Sept. 21st 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What two themes were common in Native American stories? Which climate region of the U.S. is the driest?

21 Thursday, Sept. 22nd 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
Name 2 reasons for European exploration in the New World. Why didn’t Columbus “discover” America?

22 Friday, Sept. 23rd 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
Which term means to sail around the world? Who was the first man to do this?

23 Monday, Sept. 26th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER
What four European countries sent out the most explorers?

24 Tuesday, Sept. 27th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What is the transfer of ideas, animals, plants and diseases? Which European power conquered much of South America and Mexico?

25 Monday, Oct. 3rd 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What early civilization worshipped the buffalo (bison)? What was the Middle Passage?

26 Hohokam Spain Aztec Pueblo
Columbus Slave Codes Maya Magellan England land bridge domesticate tundra Inuit Buffalo The Sun mercantilism slash and burn Southwest nomads Portuguese Hacienda Anasazi circumnavigate Great Plains France Spices and Gold Hunter Gatherer Pacific Northwest

27 Thursday, Sept. 29th 2011 NO WARM UP TODAY
Use this time to study for your test!

28 Monday, Oct. 3rd 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What European country mostly settled the eastern coast of America?

29 Tuesday, Oct. 4th 2011 What was the first English colony in America?
Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What was the first English colony in America? Who helped save Jamestown from the “starving time”?

30 Wednesday, Oct. 5th 2011 What current state was Jamestown located in?
Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What current state was Jamestown located in?

31 Thursday, Oct. 6th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What were the settlers of Jamestown originally looking for? What is the name of the tribe that the Jamestown settlers met?

32 Thursday, Oct. 6th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What age was the real Pocahontas when John Smith met her? What colony did the Pilgrims found?

33 Monday, Oct. 10th 2011 Why did the Pilgrims leave England?
Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER Why did the Pilgrims leave England?

34 Tuesday, Oct. 11th 2011 Where did the Puritans settle?
Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER Where did the Puritans settle? What are the beliefs of Quakers?

35 Wednesday, Oct. 12th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER How many people were killed during the Salem Witch Trials? What year did it happen?

36 Thursday, Oct. 13th 2011 What was the triangular trade?
Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What was the triangular trade? What part did New England play in the trade?

37 Massachusetts Tobacco Diversity
Indentured Servant Pilgrims Salem Breadbasket Thin/Rocky Soil Fishing William Bradford Connecticut Rum Triangular Trade New York New Hampshire Religious Freedom Puritans Quakers Georgia Rhode Island Slavery Philadelphia Jamestown James Oglethorpe Pennsylvania Massachusetts Bay Colony

38 Friday, Oct. 14th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER How did religion play a part in founding the New England colonies? What were the two largest cities of the Middle Colonies?

39 Monday Oct. 17th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER Religious intolerance is to New England as _________________ is to Middle Colonies. Boston is to New England as ____________________ is to Middle Colonies.

40 Tuesday Oct. 18th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER Puritans are to Massachusetts as ________________ are to Pennsylvania. Great Fishing is to _____________ as Great _________ is to Middle Colonies.

41 Wednesday Oct. 19th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER Southwest is to __________ as Pacific Northwest is to wet and rainy.

42 Monday Oct. 24th 2011 Name the 5 southern colonies
Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER Name the 5 southern colonies What is a plantation?

43 Tuesday Oct. 25th 2011 Name 3 of the main crops of the South
Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER Name 3 of the main crops of the South Why was Georgia founded?

44 Wednesday Oct. 26th 2011 Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What two groups of people worked plantations before African slaves? What was Bacon’s Rebellion about?

45 Thursday Oct. 27th 2011 What are the four Middle Colonies?
Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What are the four Middle Colonies? What are the main exports of New England, Middle and Southern Colonies?

46 Tuesday Nov. 1st 2011 What is a primary document?
Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What is a primary document? What is the importance of slavery to the Southern economy?

47 Wednesday Nov. 2nd 2011 NO WARM UPS TODAY!
Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER NO WARM UPS TODAY! Get out your notes, handouts and a blank sheet of paper

48 Thursday Nov. 3rd 2011 What does it mean to be “enlightened”?
Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER What does it mean to be “enlightened”? What statesman is on the US $100?

49 Friday Nov. 4th 2011 Who wrote Poor Richard’s Almanac?
Remember to write the DATE, the QUESTION and the ANSWER Who wrote Poor Richard’s Almanac? What was the Great Awakening?


51 Monday Nov. 7th 2011 What were the British and French fighting over in the French and Indian War? What was Benjamin Franklin’s Albany Plan of Union?

52 Tuesday Nov. 8th 2011 What happened to the French after the F & I War?
What did the Proclamation of 1763 say?

53 Revolutionary Tea There was an old lady lived over the sea And she was an island queen Her daughter lived off in a new country With an ocean of water between The old lady's pockets were full of gold But never contented was she So she called on her daughter to pay her a tax Of three pence a pound on her tea Of three pence a pound on her tea

54 "Now mother dear mother," the daughter replied, "I shan't do the thing you ax I'm willing to pay a fair price for the tea, But never the three-penny tax." "You shall," quoth the mother, and reddened with rage, "For you're my own daughter, you see, And sure 'tis quite proper the daughter should pay Her mother a tax on her tea, Her mother a tax on her tea."

55 The tea was conveyed to the daughter's door, All down by the ocean's side; And the bouncing girl pour'd out every pound In the dark and boiling tide; And then she called out to the Island Queen, "Oh, mother, dear mother," quoth she, "Your tea you may have when 'tis steep'd quite enough But never a tax from me But never a tax from me

56 Wednesday, Nov. 9th 2011 What was the Stamp Act?
What was the repercussion of the Boston Tea Party?

57 Thursday, Nov. 10th 2011 What is significant about the 1st Continental Congress? Which rider made it all the way to Concord?

58 Friday, Nov. 11th 2011 Where were the first shots of war fired?
What is a patriot?

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