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Nadira Sutton Isaiah Lamb

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1 Nadira Sutton Isaiah Lamb
Ed Gein

2 Background Edward Theodore "Ed" Gein Born August 27th, 1906
Died July 26th, 1984 Years Killed: Between 1947 and 1952 Nicknames: Butcher in Plainfield Buffalo Bill Psycho

3 Childhood Augusta, his religious mother, preached to her sons about the immorality of the world, the evil of drinking, and that all women (except herself) were prostitutes and instruments of the devil. Bullied Smart in school and a good student Shy and had strange tendencies Laughing to himself Anti-Social His mother punished him whenever he tried to make friends.

4 Profile White male Did well in school Stayed to himself
Traumatized childhood

5 Phases Trolling Wooing Capture Murder Totem
Looked for recently buried middle aged women who resembled his mother Wooing Capture Exhumed bodies from grave Shot a tavern and hardware store owner Murder Admitted to shooting 2 women Other victims were already dead Totem Skinned body parts to make various items such as: belts, lamp shades, human suits, wastebaskets, preserved female genitalia, etc. He never had sex will corpses claiming “they smelled too bad”

6 Death Toll Ed Gein only admitted to killing two women; he is suspected of killing more. He admitted to robbing 9 graves.

7 Transient or Stable He was stable.
He made as many as 40 visits to three local graveyards. His victims Mary Hogan and Bernice Worden were shot in a local tavern and hardware store.

8 Mixed Killer Ed Gein targeted already dead women who resembled his mother. He had no personal connection with any of his victims. The two victims he admitted killing he shot them.

9 Conviction Gein was arraigned on one count of first degree murder.
He pled not guilty by reason of insanity He was found mentally incompetent and unfit to stand trial Gein was sent to the Central State Hospital for the Criminally insane He stayed in the mental hospital until his death on July 26th, 1984 where he died of respiratory and heart failure due to Cancer.

10 Interesting Facts He thought he could preserve his mother’s soul inside of his own body by create “female suit” Often placed female genitalia over his naked groin as if he were a women In his house authorities found: 4 noses Human bones and fragments 9 nine masks of human skin Bowls made from human skulls 10 female heads with the tops sawed off Human skin seat covers Mary Hogan’s head in a paper bag Bernice Worden’s head in a burlap sack 9 vulvas in a shoe box Organs in his fridge A pair of lips on a draw string for window shades Lampshade from human skin A belt made from nipples

11 Crime Scene Photos

12 Citations Buffalo Bill and Psycho. (n.d.). Eddie Gein — — Crime Library. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from EDWARD GEIN. (n.d.). Edward Gein. Retrieved May 3, 2014, from Ed Gein. (2014, February 5). Wikipedia. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from Ed Gein Biography and Crime Scene Photos. (n.d.). Wisconsin Sickness. Retrieved May 2, 2014, from Serial Killer Ed Gein Crime Scene Photos. (n.d.). Best Gore. Retrieved May 4, 2014, from

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