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Class Periods Average Grade Approaching Grade Level 1st Period 75.44

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Presentation on theme: "Class Periods Average Grade Approaching Grade Level 1st Period 75.44"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Periods Average Grade Approaching Grade Level 1st Period 75.44 100 2nd Period 70.26 89.47 5th Period 79.25 95 6th Period 76.45 7th Period 68.24 95.24 8th Period 70.47

2 1st Period Class Average 75
1st Period Class Average Rank out of 6 other Biology classes 3rd Add 5 points for the Exam curve, then add the grade to your tracker in the bin 17111 88% 17132 94% 22293 17129 65% 17152 76% 20535 17203 82% 17220 14541 71% 16794 65% 16808 94% 20562 76% 16942 41% 17251 17075 17013 71% 17091 17102 100%

3 2nd Period Class Average 70.26 Rank out of 6 other Biology classes 5th
Add 5 points for the Exam curve, then add the grade to your tracker in the bin 16816 65% 16820 100% 16974 59% 22629 16988 41% 16994 53% 16251 17112 88% 21450 71% 19570 76% 25419 29% 23603 82% 17134 94% 20388 18% 14969 88% 17205 17215 17247 17253 71%

4 5th Period Class Average 79.25 Rank out of 6 other Biology classes
1st - FIRST!!! Add 5 points for the Exam curve, then add the grade to your tracker in the bin 25092 100% 24745 71% 22298 47% 17188 76% 25364 94% 12786 35% 17192 20481 17640 17240 88% 16788 88% 16799 16995 76% 20891 82% 17769 16335 16997 16999 100% 17054 22288

5 6th Period Class Average 76.45 Rank out of 6 other Biology classes
2nd - Great Job! Add 5 points for the Exam curve, then add the grade to your tracker in the bin 17080 65% 20449 88% 14621 82% 17016 17038 59% 17937 17128 47% 17150 17163 17209 76% 17214 16806 71% 20552 88% 16905 16971 15846 94% 19563 65% 19655 100% 15163 17007 17009 59% 17010

6 7th Period Class Average 68.24 Rank out of 6 other Biology classes
6th - Last Add 5 points for the Exam curve, then add the grade to your tracker in the bin 17095 88% 17023 65% 15116 47% 17105 76% 17116 17158 71% 17178 15121 17202 82% 17224 17244 53% 16882 76% 17029 88% 20453 71% 16959 17005 53% 20563 17025 22927 29% 17083 82% 17090 59%

7 8th Period Class Average 70.47 Rank out of 6 other Biology classes 4th
Add 5 points for the Exam curve, then add the grade to your tracker in the bin 17250 76% 16892 59% 16904 65% 16920 88% 16962 94% 16998 17108 17123 20387 71% 17040 35% 14931 41% 21451 71% 15117 76% 20523 100% 17165 82% 19938 29% 14534 59% 17219 17222 88%

8 Natural Selection and Evolution
Evolution: the process of species changing over time and it happens mainly through the process of natural selection. Natural Selection: individuals who are best adapted to their environments survive and reproduce the best. Decreases genetic variation. Over time, there will be more of those traits in the population as they survive better and pass their genes on to their children. Adaptation: a trait that helps an organism survive or reproduce in its environment. Gene flow: the exchange of genes between two populations. Increases genetic variation

9 Explore: 1. How many brown beetles are there? How many green beetles?
2. Describe what you see happening to the beetles? 3. What color beetle would you like to be? Why?

10 Explore: Cont… How many brown beetles are there? How many green beetles? What is happening to the population of beetles?

11 Explore: Cont… How many brown beetles are there? How many green beetles? Describe what happened to the beetle population over time? What beetle was best suited to survive?



14 Homologous structures are characteristics that have the same basic structure found in different species because they evolved from a common ancestor, not because they serve the same purpose (like the forelimbs above).

15 Analogous structures are structures that serve a similar purpose in two distantly related species.
They are a product of convergent evolution- species becoming more similar over time (example: both butterflies and birds have wings, but they evolved wings independently, not because they are closely related.

16 Because life is so diverse, scientists have created a system for organizing all living things called Taxonomy. The largest taxa (or groups) of living things are called domains. There are only 3 domains— Eukarya (all eukaryotic organisms), Archaea, and Bacteria. The next smaller group is a kingdom. There are 6 kingdoms—Bacteria, Archaea, Plants, Animals, Fungi, and Protists.

17 The full classification system is shown to the right—remember that the best way to remember the order of each taxon is to create a mnemonic for yourself such as. The scientific name for a species consists of its Genus and species.



20 `

21 Phylogenetic Trees show the relationships between different organisms
Phylogenetic Trees show the relationships between different organisms. The different “nodes” (where they come together) represent common ancestors. Some phylogenetic trees are called cladograms and show when traits were gained or lost. Time moves left-->right Phylogenetic Trees Newer Older

22 Independent Practice Work SILENTLY and INDEPENDLY on questions 1 through 10. If you have any questions raise your hand silently and wait for me to come around. If you are done, raise your hand so I may check your work.

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