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Patterns of Evolution.

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1 Patterns of Evolution

2 Divergent Evolution There is isolation of a population from the main gene pool, with first geographical and then reproductive barriers, resulting in a new species.


4 Adaptive Radiation This is the evolution from a common ancestor of different forms adapted to different ecological niches. E.g. Darwin’s Finches when the ancestors of the finches were blown to the Galapagos Islands, they found many unoccupied niches that in there homeland had been filled by other birds.


6 Adaptive Radiation Lacking competition, the finches spread out and filled the vacant niches. Natural selection led to selection for different adaptations as they did so. After enough time, they had so diversified that they had formed different species.


8 Convergent Evolution This is the independent evolution of similar adaptive features in originally different species. It happens because they have adapted to the same environment. e.g. Dolphins, Ichthyosaurs and Sharks look similar because of being adapted to a water environment.


10 Convergent Evolution Plants that live on mountains tend to have small, scale-like leaves, often with hairs and closely fitted to the stem, and they have a close-to-the-ground, compact growth habit, forming cushions or mats of vegetation. Although they may have originated from different species, they start to look alike.

11 Parallel Evolution This is the evolution of similar features, not present in the ancestral form, in 2 or more closely related species. e.g. the loss of wings on off-shore windy islands by some insects and birds.

12 Local Case Studies Pg 236 – 240 text book Hebes and Molluscs

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