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Philanthropy & Partnerships Forum Invitation to join 2017

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1 Philanthropy & Partnerships Forum Invitation to join 2017

2 What is it? Launched in 2014 to give senior fundraisers responsible for Major Donor, Corporate and/or Trust fundraising a chance to learn from, and share ideas with, peers and experts in the field. The Philanthropy and Partnerships Forum tackles the issues faces by high value fundraisers and address the pressures they face in this area The four key goals of the Forum: To gain invaluable insights into the latest trends in the sector To develop the skills and competencies of the members and their teams To raise the profile of philanthropy and partnership fundraising and the importance of collaboration To address practical and strategic issues and to work together to solve them

3 Current members

4 Meetings Our meetings are themed to ensure each topic is covered in depth and gives members the opportunity to share and learn from each other, guest speakers and sector experts. Our day consists of the following: An overview of the theme including sector trends and key insights A case study from a guest speaker who will share their practical experience of the topic of the day. Speakers will cover the challenges as well as the opportunities in their own organisation and top tips for success An discussion session where members share their experiences, introduced with a member case study. Each Forum also includes a Forum Clinic for members to share problems and issues and to discuss practical solutions, and a ‘Highlights and Horizons’ session where THINK consultants provide updates on sector developments to keep Forum members ahead of the curve on everything from legislation to salary surveys.

5 How is it structured? 3 full-day meetings per year (10am – 5pm) held in members’ offices with lunch included. First meeting scheduled for 7 March 2016 1 full-day Open Forum Meeting per year for members to bring up to 3 other colleagues Chatham House rules to support honest and open discussion on hot topics and issues Up to date case studies and practical examples A chance to ask questions, share experience and learn with peers

6 What do we cover? Key themes dominate our content and include:
Prospecting and Stewardship Case for Support Strategy and Planning Working with Senior Volunteers Staff Management and Development Best practice and innovation

7 Extra benefits for members
Added benefits of being a Forum member include: Forum commissioned research reports and sector benchmarking Invitations to THINK events Access to THINK experts …and an opportunity to network at informal ‘after Forum’ drinks

8 Nas Morley, Micro Loan Foundation
“I renewed my membership for the forum without hesitation when I moved charity. The group provides a ‘forum’ for open, honest and challenging discussion about issues and special interest topics in high value fundraising. It’s different to other fundraising groups because we drive the agenda - so it’s always relevant and meaningful. My bulging notebook after each meeting is testament to how useful I find these sessions!” Being a member of  the THINK Philanthropy & Partnerships Forum provides more than just an opportunity to share and learn (whether from each other or from external speakers).  I really feel that, as a group, we are shaping the future of high value giving as well as tackling some of the very practical issues that we are all facing. Nas Morley, Micro Loan Foundation Joe Waterton, Director of Partnership Development, The Children’s Society

9 Annual membership: £2,500 plus VAT per charity Charity investment…
To confirm your place, contact: Simon Dickson on You can also reach us on

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