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Presentation on theme: "LBJ."— Presentation transcript:


2 August 1963

3 Forming a More Perfect Union
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act of 1965

4 LBJ and Viet Nam Bombing in Viet Nam

5 Fun with the President

6 The Johnson Treatment

7 Presidential Power Presidential Power is “Persuasion”
Persuasion is bargaining Richard Neustadt, Presidential Power

8 The South before Civil Rights

9 LBJ’s Challenge Persuasion in pluralist society Timing and persuasion

10 1. Persuasion and Coalitions

11 New Deal Coalition Democratic South African-Americans Union members
Urban North Immigrant/newer ethnic groups Farmers

12 Strom Thurmond Senate Rule 22 (Filibuster) Strom Thurmond in 1957

13 2. Timing

14 Charting Presidential Power
P Political Capital O W E R Elect Reelect Time

15 Public Approval Ratings of Presidents from Wall Street Journal (

16 LBJ Double Honeymoon P O JFK Crisis W 1964 Election E R 11/63 11/ Time 16

17 LBJ Public Opinion

18 LBJ vs. Barry Goldwater Daisy Ad Reagan speech for Goldwater
LBJ Ad “Klan supports Gold.” 1964 results

19 Great Society Increased Federal government power at the expense of state power Increased Federal government role in the economy Committed Federal government and state governments to more spending

20 Viet Nam Goodbye

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