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Jefferson elementary school “Ending Generational poverty through education” Back to school night 2017-2018.

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1 Jefferson elementary school “Ending Generational poverty through education”
Back to school night

2 Welcome & introduction
Pre-School: Mrs. Hamlett TK: Mrs. Tillman Kindergarten: Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Del Bosque, Ms. Clawson, Ms. Chavira First: Mrs. Toews, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Chang Second: Mrs. Sawatzky, Mrs. Soto, Mrs. Chavez, Mrs. Alexander Third: Ms. Gasca, Mrs. Mendoza, Mrs. Parkin Fourth: Mr. Newlin, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Goldstone Fifth: Mr. Romo, Mrs. Gunlund, Mr. Seitz Sixth: Ms. Waide, Mr. Johnson, Miss Velasco Support Teachers: RSP—Mrs. Day, Mrs. Peters, API Coach: Mrs. Guzman, Intervention: Mr. Alvarado

3 Attendance Please call the office at when your child is absent. Your child’s attendance is very important, please try to schedule doctor’s appointments after school hours. If your child does go to the doctor, please bring a doctor’s note upon return. Doctors can fax notes to Jefferson at the following number: Be sure your student arrives on time. The tardy bell rings at 8:30 a.m. for grades K-6. The front gates will be locked from 8:30-2:10 p.m. Please enter the school through the staff parking lot.

4 Jefferson website Calendar of Events
District Wellness Policy: Approved snacks Online Literacy Resources: Raz-Kids: Grades 1-3, Starfall: K-2

5 Services available from the Learning and guidance center
Student Counselling: Grief, Depression, ADHD, Anger Issues, etc. Referrals to Dinuba Children’s Services Emergency Resources: Food Bank, etc. Ask to speak to Learning Director Orosco to have a referral submitted.

6 New This Year!!! District wellness policy
Federal policy requires each school district to have a wellness policy. Our wellness policy is committed to providing good nutrition, supporting lifelong healthy eating habits, and helping to prevent costly and potentially- disabling diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.  The School Website contains a list of approved foods for class parties and birthday celebrations. The information is located under Families For Parents and Guardians Healthy Food List Cupcakes, cookies, and other pastries will not be allowed during the school day (i.e. Birthdays, Class Parties)

7 General reminders Please be sure the front office has current phone numbers in case of an emergency. Call the front office to update. Make arrangements with your student before school informing them of what to do at dismissal (i.e. walk home, grandma is picking up). This will eliminate the need for the office to disrupt the classroom to deliver a message. Please do not park in the staff parking lot, please use the side streets. Use the crosswalk at all times. Be sure all Immunizations (Kinder) and proof of physical exam (1st grade) are up to date with the front office. Do not bring pets while dropping off and picking up your student.

8 Organizations present this evening
Parent-Teacher Organization: This group raises funds to hold special events for students and teachers throughout the year. ELAC(English Learner Advisory Committee): This committee discusses the English Language Learner program. SSC(School Site Council): This committee discusses the programs that the State and Federal Government provide money for and it discusses the academic progress of the school. Dinuba Adult School: Information will be available about ESL classes as well as additional class offerings.

9 Thank you for your support!

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