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A man’s day on the farm.

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Presentation on theme: "A man’s day on the farm."— Presentation transcript:

1 A man’s day on the farm

2 What can you see? What is it used for?

3 Horse and Plough It makes furrows in the field for crops to grow.

4 What can you see? What is it used for?

5 Scythe It was used by the men to cut down the crops.

6 Sickle (Heuk) What can you see? What is it used for?

7 Sickle (Heuk) Used by the women to cut down shorter pieces of the crops that the scythe missed

8 Farmers don’t use these anymore
Farmers don’t use these anymore. Can you think of a modern machine that does the same job?

9 What can you see? What are they used for?

10 Farmers would use all three of these objects to muck out the byre!
Graip Creel Besom Farmers would use all three of these objects to muck out the byre!

11 Graip Creel Besom Farmers don’t use these anymore. Can you think of a modern machine that does the same job?

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