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Behavioral Finance Economics 437.

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1 Behavioral Finance Economics 437

2 Recent Published Research in Behavioral Finance
Chang, Solomon, Westerfield in the Feb 2016 issue of the Journal of Finance McLean and Pontiff in the Feb 2916 issue of the Journal of Finance

3 Chang, Solomon, Westerfield
Update on the disposition effect: tendency to sell winners rather than losers Observed with single stocks The opposite seems to occur with mutual funds Why? If it was your original decision, you are more likely to sell winners, but if there is a money manager, you are more likely to sell losers

4 McLean and Pontiff “Does Publishing Research Destroy Predictability?”

5 Final Exam – Monday May 3rd 2PM – 5 PM Wilson Auditorium
All readings on the syllabus Kahneman: ”Thinking: Fast and Slow” Thaler: “Misbehaving” Burton-Shaw: pp.1-51, Chapters 8, 14, 15, 17 Plus Articles: Malkiel, Shiller, Fama, Black Shleifer: Chapters 1, 2 (or collab articles) DeBondt-Thaler; Fama-French; Jegadeesh-Titman; Lakonishok-Shleifer-Vishny, Haugen-Baker(intro); Hanna-Ready(intro) All lectures, all powerpoint slide presentations Big Topics: EMH vs BF; Shleifer Noise Trader Model, Anomalies, Predictability Nothing is ruled out Bring only pen and pencil to exam: no scratch paper, no books, no calculators, etc.

6 The End

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