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3 Nephi Nephi 24:1 “The Lord shall come to His temple”

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1 3 Nephi 24-27 3 Nephi 24:1 “The Lord shall come to His temple”
“The Lord, whom we seek, shall suddenly come to His temple…Indeed, He came suddenly to the Kirtland Temple on the 3rd day of April in 1836; He also appeared in others of His holy houses; and He will come in due course to the temples in Jackson County and in Jerusalem” (Bruce R. McConkie, Millennial Messiah, 557). Evidently the Lord wants us to know something about Malachi 3-4! Joseph Smith History, verses 36-39, D&C 2, 13, 110.

2 “He is like a refiner’s fire”
3 Nephi 24:2 “He is like a refiner’s fire” “The Savior’s return will be a cleansing, refining experience by fire, the righteous will endure and be purified by this flame of truth, while the wicked will be burned as stubble, unable to withstand its unquenchable demands” (Jeffery R Holland, Christ and the New Covenant, 294).

3 3 Nephi 24:2 What is the “Offering of Righteousness” the Sons of Levi will make? “It is generally supposed that sacrifice (blood sacrifice) was entirely done away when the great sacrifice (i.e.,) the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ was offered up, and that there will be no necessity of the ordinance of sacrifice in the future; but those who assert this are certainly not acquainted with the duties, privileges and authority of the Priesthood, or with the Prophets. “The offering of sacrifice has ever been connected and forms a part of the duties of the priesthood… “These sacrifices, as well as every ordinance belonging to the Priesthood, will, when the Temple of the Lord shall be built, and the Sons of Levi be purified, be fully restored and attended to in all their powers, ramifications, and blessings” (Joseph Smith, Teachings, ).

4 President Joseph Fielding Smith further explained that “we are living in the dispensation of the fullness of times into which all things are to be gathered, and all things are to be restored since the beginning. Even this earth is to be restored to the condition which prevailed before Adam’s transgression. Now in the nature of things, the law of sacrifice will have to be restored, or all things which were decreed by the Lord would not be restored. It will be necessary, therefore, for the sons of Levi. Who offered the blood sacrifices anciently in Israel, to offer such a sacrifice again to round and complete this ordinance in this dispensation. Sacrifice by the shedding of blood was instituted in the days of Adam and of necessity will have to be restored. “The sacrifice of animals will be done to complete the restoration when the temple spoken of is built; at the beginning of the millennium, or in the restoration, blood sacrifices will be performed long enough to complete the fullness of the restoration in this dispensation. Afterwards sacrifice will be of some other character” (Doctrines of Salvation 3:94).

5 “The Lord… shall sit as a refiner a purifier of silver, and He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. Let us, therefore, as a church and a people, and as Latter-day Saints, offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness; and let us present in His holy temple, when it is finished, a book containing the records of our dead, which shall be worthy of all acceptation” (D&C 128:24), (D&C 13:1). “These sacrifices, as well as every ordinance belonging to the Priesthood, will, when the Temple of the Lord shall be built, and the sons of Levi be purified, be fully restored… Those things which existed prior to Moses’ day, namely, sacrifice, will be continued” (Joseph Smith, Teachings, ).

6 3 Nephi 24:8-12 How important is tithing?
“Tithing is paid by faith more than it is by money” (Gordon B Hinckley, Ensign, December 1989, 5). “By this principle (tithing) the loyalty of the people of this Church shall be put to the test. By this principle it shall be known who is for the kingdom of God and who is against it. By this principle it shall be seen whose hearts are set on doing the will of God and keeping His commandments… There is a great deal of importance connected with this principle, for by it known whether we are faithful or unfaithful. In this respect it is as essential as faith in God" (Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, 225).

7 (Conference Report, Oct. 2001, 39-41)
Elder Holland suggested five reasons why all of us, rich or poor, longtime member or newest convert, should faithfully pay our tithes and offerings. 1. For the sake of your children. 2. To rightfully claim the blessings promised. 3. As a declaration that possession of material goods and the accumulation of worldly wealth are not the uppermost goals of your existence. 4. Out of honesty and integrity because they are God’s rightful due. 5. A personal expression of love to a generous and merciful Father in Heaven. (Conference Report, Oct. 2001, 39-41)

8 President Harold B. Lee taught that the opening of the windows of heaven, of course, meant revelation from God to him who is willing thus to sacrifice (The Teachings of Harold B. Lee, ed. Clyde J. Williams [1996], 206). President Heber J. Grant testified that God will bless those who obey the law of tithing with increased wisdom. Those who pay their tithing will be able to utilize the remaining nine-tenths, and it will be of greater value to them and they will be able to accomplish more with it than they would if they had not been honest with the Lord (Conference Report, Apr. 1912, 30). I hope our members will qualify for the blessings of the Lord by paying a full tithing (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Conference Report, Apr. 1994, 44).

9 “Leave them neither root nor branch”
3 Nephi 25:1 “Leave them neither root nor branch” Roots = fathers and grandfathers Branches = children and grandchildren 3 Nephi 25:2 How will the Son of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings”? “The ‘Son of Righteousness’ (Malachi 4:2; 3 Nephi 25:2) will bring the healing power of the resurrection and redemption (2 Nephi 25:13), and the righteous will be nourished ‘as calves if the stall’ because of their obedience to the Lord (1 Nephi 22:24)” Daniel H. Ludlow, ed., Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 2:851).

10 Fulfilled April 3, 1836, Kirtland
3 Nephi 25:5 Fulfilled April 3, 1836, Kirtland What did Elijah come to restore? “By restoring the sealing keys, Elijah revealed the greatest use to which the priesthood may be put by mortals on earth” (Bruce R. McConkie, New Witness of the Articles of Faith, 508). “When the full measure of Elijah’s mission is understood... it applies just as much on this side of the veil as it does to the other side of the veil. The hearts of your fathers and mother must be turned to your children right now, if you have the true spirit of Elijah, and not think that it applies merely to those who are beyond the veil. Let your hearts be turned to your children, and teach your children; but you must do it when they are young enough to be schooled. And if you are neglecting your family home evening, you are neglecting the beginning of the mission of Elijah just as certainly as if you were neglecting your research work of genealogy” (Harold B Lee, Teachings, 281).

11 3 Nephi 26:2-3,6-21 Jesus expounds all things from the beginning to the end. It will take no faith to renounce worldly things when these are among the ashes of a melted planet (Neal A. Maxwell, Not My Will, But Thine, 12). 3 Nephi 26:11 It takes revelation to share revelation!

12 3 Nephi 27:3, 8 What did they call themselves? (3 Nephi 26:21)
D&C 115:4 We received our official name eight years after the Church was organized. Church of Christ Church of God Church of Latter-day Saints In 1834, the “Mormonites” from the School of the Elders Don't let the Lord down by calling this the Mormon Church. He didn’t call it the Mormon Church” (George Albert Smith, Conference Report, Apr. 1948, 160).

13 “The name of the Church was not obtained through study or research, but by revelation directed from the Lord… Of all the churches in the world, there was not one that bore His name when the Lord restored His Church in this dispensation” (LeGrand Richards, Marvelous Work and a Wonder, ). “I suppose that regardless of our efforts, we may never convert the world to general use of the full and correct name of the Church,” conceded President Gordon B. Hinckley. He continued “Because of the shortness of the word Mormon, and the ease with which it is spoken and written, they will continue to call us the Mormons, the Mormon Church and so forth.” President Hinckley recalled the Prophet Joseph Smith’s comment that the name “Mormon means more good,” and therefore suggested we should not be ashamed of this nickname” (Teachings, ).

14 Far West Temple Site


16 “I have given unto you my gospel”
3 Nephi 27:13-14 “I have given unto you my gospel” What is the gospel then?... So often I hear my brethren saying something the I wish we would not say quite that way - that the gospel is a way of life. It is not a way of life - it is the way to eternal life. It is the science of salvation (Harold B. Lee, Conference Report, Apr. 1959, 68).

17 What manner of men ought ye to be?
3 Nephi 27:21-27 What manner of men ought ye to be? The word “ought” means to be necessary’ or ‘to be held or bound in duty or moral obligation’ (Noah Webster’s First Edition of an American Dictionary of English Language, 7th ed. [1993], ‘ought’). “Christ is God the Son and possessed every virtue in its perfection. Therefore, the only measure of true greatness is how close a man can become like Jesus. That man is greatest who is most like Christ, and those who love him most will be most like him" (Ezra Taft Benson, New Era, Jan.1973, 20). “The reality is that there will be a whole hierarchy of judges who, under Christ, shall judge the righteous. He alone shall issue the decrees of damnation for the wicked” (Bruce R McConkie, Millennial Messiah, 520).

18 “The reality is that there will be a whole hierarchy of judges who, under Christ, shall judge the righteous. He alone shall issue the decrees of damnation for the wicked” (Bruce R. McConkie, Millennial Messiah, 520).

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