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GSFF GSPDG Updated 9/20/18.

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Presentation on theme: "GSFF GSPDG Updated 9/20/18."— Presentation transcript:

1 GSFF GSPDG Updated 9/20/18

2 Schedule Sources of Funding Application Materials
Funded/Not Funded Game Makin’ It Rain’ FAOs [Frequently Arriving Obstacles] Questions & Concerns

3 Sources of Funding Graduate Students of the Four Faculties (GSFF)
This is your Graduate Student Association (GSA) Graduate Student Professional Development Grant (GSPDG) This is a grant, you must apply to your GSA first

4 Graduate Students of The Four Faculties (GSFF)
Funds both presenters & attendees You may submit up to three applications per academic year (no limit on how many per quarter) Aims to fund 30% of your requested amount Reimbursement capped at $300 for Merit-based awards, $250 for all else Funding requests that fall after the seventh week of the academic quarter will be pushed forward to the following quarter.

5 GSFF Details Included in the Application: Common Application
Your GSA is GSFF Other places you received funding [FROM DU] If you received funding from the conference (travel grants, top paper etc.) nice work, but do not include these*** Expenses Sheet Needed, but not included in Application: All original receipts Copy of Program/Proof of Merit *** This is only for AWARDS. If you received an AWARD for your submission to the conference, do not include it. If you received a GRANT or ADDITIONAL FUNDING from the conference, you must include this with a statement from your advisor stating that the funds were awarded in order to assist your attendance, not as a prize for a submission.

6 Graduate Student Professional Development Grant [GSPDG]
Competitively awarded through the Office of Graduate Studies Available for PRESENTORS/PERFORMERS only You may only apply for this grant once per academic year Dependent upon number & amount of requests, funds available, and GSFF approval

7 GSPDG Details Must have already received partial funding from GSFF
Check the box on page one of the application Deadlines are different than GSFF After GSFF has issued your funding, we forward those applications wanting to be considered for GSPDG to GSG Bottom line: Designed to reimburse what GSFF was unable to fund. Not guaranteed and based on the number of applicants.

8 GSPDG Details Included in the Application: Common Application
Expenses Sheet Needed, but not included in Application: All original receipts Copy of Program/Proof of Presentation *Current CV *One page explanation of goals/justification *Letter from advisor This is standard, they know that you will ask for this




12 Let’s Play A Game Can you get funding? Where?
Conference Registration/Membership Fee Room Service Taxi Rides Hotel Movie Rentals Airline Travel Your morning coffee Laundry Services Rental Cars

13 Makin’ It Rain Keep a folder of all travel & conference related materials If you split a hotel, each of you pay for one night You need separate bills! Be smart about when you apply to GSPDG Plan ahead! Applications take longer than you think! DON’T EXPECT YOUR REP TO DROP EVERYTHING – MAKE AN APPT. DON’T APPROACH YOUR ADVISOR LAST MINUTE

14 FAOs [Frequently Arriving Obstacles]
HELP! I forgot to get my check out slip at the hotel! That’s okay! Call the hotel and have them you a receipt. HELP! I attended an international conference! Cool! You’ll need to provide proof of currency exchange rates and include mathematic formulas illustrating correct exchanges. HELP! I am traveling to two conferences in one quarter! Not a problem! GSFF does not limit the number of applications you can submit per quarter, as long as you don’t go over three in an academic year. HELP! I went to a conference over the summer! Good for you! We are currently piloting summer application acceptance, but if not you can defer until Fall.

15 Questions & Concerns See next few slides for examples.
This powerpoint is available online, along with a checklist for representatives.

16 GSFF Madeline Kelley

17 Finish Pages 2-4 for GSPDG
Finish Page 2 for GSFF Finish Pages 2-4 for GSPDG

18 Finish Pages 2-4 for GSPDG
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