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Genetics - study of heredity Gregor Mendel is the first

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1 Genetics - study of heredity Gregor Mendel is the first
UNIT : Genetics What are the genetics vocabulary words which explain patterns of inheritance? Heredity – passing of characteristics (traits)from parents to offspring Genetics - study of heredity Gregor Mendel is the first scientist to succeed in predicting how traits are passed on from one generation to the next

2 Genetics - Mendel worked with pea plants and studied only one trait at a time.

3 Genetics He came up with the following laws:
Law of Segregation (separation) states that gene pairs separate when gametes are formed, so each gamete (sex cell) has only one allele of each pair

4 Genetics He came up with the following laws:
Law of Independent Assortment states that different pairs of genes separate independently of each other when gametes are formed.

5 Important Genetics Vocabulary!!!
Allele – different forms of a trait (remember: genes are found on chromosomes and code for specific traits Ex: Trait: type of earlobe in humans Alleles: free or attached earlobes Attached is recessive!= e Free is dominant!=E

6 Important Genetics Vocabulary!!!
Ex: Trait: hair color in humans Alleles: brown, blonde, red, black, etc…

7 Genetics Vocabulary - Alleles are represented by letters when you’re predicting the probability of traits to be passed down to your offspring. B=brown eyes b=blue eyes

8 Genetics Vocabulary Dominant – allele that is visible
- represented by a capital letter B=Brown eyes Recessive – allele that is “hidden”; it is “masked” by the dominant allele represented by a lowercase letter b=Blue eyes

9 Genetics Vocabulary Homozygous - 2 identical or same alleles for a trait a.k.a. Pure or purebred BB=homozygous dominant bb=homozygous recessive Heterozygous different alleles for a trait a.k.a. hybrid Bb=heterozygous

10 Genetics Vocabulary Phenotype – the physical appearance of an organism
- what the organism looks like - represented by words/descriptions Ex. I have BLUE eyes! Genotype – the genes that an organism has - the genetic makeup –what genes make up the organism represented by letters Ex. I have the genes=bb

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