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Vocabulary Ch 19 (11) Accident Violence Gang Weapon First Aid Fracture

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1 Vocabulary Ch 19 (11) Accident Violence Gang Weapon First Aid Fracture
Dislocation Shock Abdominal Thrust Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Rescue Breathing

2 Sec 1 “Safety at Home” Fires
Recreation Safety With groups/ solo Adults know w/ UR Phone # to contact Familiar with area See dangerous areas Dress for activity/weather Safety equipment Sunscreen if needed Accident “unexpected event that may injure” @Home=*Falls, Fires, Shock, Poisoning Fires Smoke detector, fire extinguisher, evacuation plan

3 Sec1 Safety tips “7” 1. Think before you act
2. Pay attention to surroundings 3. Know your limits 4. Practice refusal skills 5. Use safety equipment 6. Change risky behaviors 7. Change risky situations

4 LR Sect 1 (1-6) 1. “unexpected event that may lead to injury”
2.Falls, fires, electrical shock, poisoning 3. Evacuation plan will get you out faster 4. 8 ways p. 482 5.think/act, pay attention, know limits, refusal skills,safety equipment,risky behavior, risky situation 6. Insist she is a beginner, then walk away

5 Sec 2 “ Safety at School” Violence “use of physical force to harm or damage” Causes: anger, stress,drugs, peer pressure, prejudice= walk away, tell others Gangs= ie. Family, security, “group who often use violence to get their means” Avoid gangs?= “+” join after school activity,sport team, volunteer work

6 LR sec 2 (1-4) 3. Security, family belonging
1. Violence use of physical force= gangs often use violence. 2. Avoid violent people or places by walk away, use refusal skills/conflict management and tell an adult if you can’t solve the issue 3. Security, family belonging 4. Members probably have same interests, but gangs use violence to get their way

7 Sec 3 “what is a weapon ?” “an object that can be used to hurt someone” Dangers: accidents, rules violations Gun Safety: store unloaded, locked, gun safety course Gun issues: tell adult if a gun is found or inform adults of intent by others to harm

8 LR Sec 3 (1-4) 1. Knives and guns
2. Stay away from guns, locked & unloaded, safety class, w/ experienced adult 3. Suspension, expulsion 4. Can’t go unless an adult is present, then it is OK

9 Sec 4 Automobile Safety 35,000 killed in accidents 2000:66% no belts
Safety devices: seat belt= law, not thrown about the vehicle or out of it: air bag cushions the blow of hitting dash or windows

10 Vehicle “Seat safety” All passengers should (must) wear seat belts
Front seats back away from air bags No child seats in fronts that have airbags Children under 12 in back seats Young child should be in child seat until they can wear a seatbelt properly All passengers should (must) wear seat belts

11 Infant/ Early Childhood Seats
Infants < 22 lbs. in a rear facing child infant carry Children 20+ sit in forward facing child seat with belts Children lbs should ride on a booster seat that raises the child up to an adult level where the shoulder strap will be beneficial

12 Passengers should: NEVER Distract the driver
Follow any safety rules that buses may have for its passengers Stay seated while in transport (moving) Listen to driver should an accident ever occur

13 LR Sec 4 (1-5) 1.Keep you from being thrown around in car or out of car. 2.Air bag inflates and acts as a cushion from the dashboard. 3.Wear a seat belt and avoid distracting the driver. 4.Front seat can prevent you from being thrown forward in the car. Don’t talk to driver, avoid loud music, assist by reading maps and info signs

14 Sec 5 Basic First Aid = 3 C’s
Check scene for Your safety Call 911 = Help Care for victims Protection from disease= sterile gloves, breathing barriers, first aid kit Always be concerned for “your safety “ first: than you can help others

15 Lesson 5 LRQ Giving First Aid
1.Emergency treatment for someone who is sick or hurt. 2. Check the scene, Call for Help, Care for the victims. 3. Breathing Mask, and sterile gloves. 4. Lack of training could lead to errors in treatment that make the victim worse.

16 Lesson 5 LRQ –cont- 5. 911, friends or family or neighbors, Doctors, Police. 6. Blood might make people more concerned about helping for fear of getting infected with a disease.

17 Sec 6 First Aid- Basics Bleeding Burns Poisoning Electrocution
Head/Neck injuries

18 Sec 7 Choking= Abdominal Thrusts/CPR
Symptoms: not breathing, turning blue in face, can’t cough or talk Technique: gain consent from victim Position yourself behind victim Hand/fist position above navel Inward upward thrusts

19 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
1. Gain Permission 2. Open Airway- tilt head : ABC 3. Rescue Breaths 2x 4. Check Pulse, Hand position on chest 5. Chest compression 2” 30 x 6. Complete 4 cycles 1:00

20 Concept Mapping Terms Blood Saliva Sterile gloves First Aid Kit
Breathing mask Soap and water Bacteria Viruses Bodily Fluids

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