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Content Vocabulary abstinence monogamous safer-sex strategies

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Presentation on theme: "Content Vocabulary abstinence monogamous safer-sex strategies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Content Vocabulary abstinence monogamous safer-sex strategies

2 Total commitment to abstinence eliminates the risk of STDs entirely.
Refraining completely from sexual relations with other people 2

3 Commitment to a mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner also eliminates the risk of STDs. monogamous Having sexual relations with one partner only, excluding all others 3

4 People can reduce their STD risks by practicing safer-sex strategies.
Behavior guidelines that reduce STD risk, but that do not reduce the risk to zero 4

5 Eliminating the Risk of STDs
Abstinence and mutual monogamy with an uninfected partner eliminate the risk of STDs. 5

6 Eliminating the Risk of STDs
To protect against STDs, practice abstinence. Avoid oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse. Ask about a potential partner’s sexual history. 6

7 Reducing the Risk of STDs
Preventive measures can reduce the risk of transmitting HIV and AIDS. 7

8 Reducing the Risk of STDs
CDC studies show that latex condoms treated with a spermicide are not effective in reducing the risks of STDs. spermicide A substance that kills sperm cells 8

9 Reducing the Risk of STDs
Condoms are not always effective, and some types are more reliable than others. Common sense and good judgment are powerful weapons against the transmission of STDs. 9

10 Reducing the Risk of STDs
Be aware of groups at high risk for STDs: Intravenous drug abusers. Anyone who has had previous sexual partners and who has not been tested for STDs. 10

11 Section Review: Reviewing the Vocabulary
Behavior guidelines that reduce STD risk, but that do not reduce the risk to zero, are called __________. safer-sex strategies Behavior guidelines that reduce STD risk, but that do not reduce the risk to zero

12 Section Review: Reviewing the Vocabulary
____________ means refraining completely from sexual relations with other people. abstinence Refraining completely from sexual relations with other people


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