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Priorities of the Bulgarian Presidency

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1 Priorities of the Bulgarian Presidency
10-11 April 2018 Boyana Residence, Sofia, Bulgaria

2 Overall Priorities of the Bulgarian Presidency
Economic and social cohesion Stability and security in Europe European prospects and connectivity of the Western Balkans Digital economy and skills for the future

3 Economic and Social Cohesion
A focus on: The next EU multiannual financial framework, Future Cohesion and Common Agricultural Policy, Deeper Economic and Monetary Union

4 Stability and Security in Europe
A focus on: Common decisions on more security on the EU's external borders, More efficient migration management, Laying the foundations of a Defense Union, including through implementation of the first EU Permanent Structured Co-operation.

5 European prospects and connectivity of the Western Balkans
A focus on: Support for EU accession-related reforms in the Western Balkan states. Putting them high on the EU agenda in view of the peace and stability in that region. Geopolitical and economic support for the Western Balkans through improving their road, railway, air, digital, educational and energy connectivity to the EU.

6 Digital economy and skills for the future
A focus on: Completing the EU digital single market; Development of digital economy and skills; Cyber security package; The copyright directive; The free flow of non-personal data; The e-communications code; E-privacy and etc.

7 Priorities in the area of EUPAN

8 EUPAN Rolling Programme
Policy Labs for developing innovative policy tools and techniques Secretaries General – status, duties and role Recruitment methods for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the selection procedures Development of common administrative service delivery standards

9 Innovative Policy Labs
Policy labs as a way to foster creativity, innovation and collaboration. Possible organizational models Testing alternative policy solutions at an early stage to identify the most suitable option in an effective and efficient way. Best practices for involving citizens and businesses in the creating of new solutions for society. The role of schools of government and institutes for public administration and possible areas for cooperation.

10 Status and Role of the Secretary-General
Status and duties of the Secretaries General Role in the organizational development Ensuring internal administrative coordination Relationship with the political level

11 Effective Recruitment and Selection Methods
Innovative recruitment and selection methods for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the procedure Use of psychometric testing Tools for assessing the general competencies of the candidates. Possible combinations of different recruitment methods and tools.

12 Administrative Service Delivery Standards
Citizens’ Charters Administrative service delivery standards Possible cooperation on EUPAN level for the development of common European service delivery standards.


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