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Bell Work You’ll need half a sheet of paper (share with a friend).

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1 Bell Work You’ll need half a sheet of paper (share with a friend).
Get a handout on Mrs. Thomas’ desk. Answer the FIVE questions on your own paper. On your bell work sheet, write “Assessment Practice” under TUESDAY for this week. Turn your answers and your handout in as soon as you finish!

2 Once you finish… Write down the following vocabulary words and definitions. Then write a sentence using each word. slanderous: harmful and often untrue covert: secret or hidden salutation: verbal greeting or welcoming gesture sober: serious or grave

3 Extra Credit Go to Marco’s for pizza tomorrow night!
Bring a receipt to Mrs. Thomas on Thursday! Get 5 extra points on a quiz this week!

4 The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
Act IV

5 Objective I can analyze how an author uses plot to develop character.
I can differentiate between static and dynamic characters.

6 Actors Antony Octavious Lepidus Brutus Lucillius Pindarus Cassius
1st, 2nd, & 3rd Soldier

7 Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper with a proper MLA heading. Make sure you cite evidence from the text to support your responses. What do we learn about Antony in Act 4 scene 1? Reflecting on his speech to the Plebians and comparing its content to the things we hear in Act 4 scene 1, how does Antony feel about the Plebians? Is Antony an “honorable man”? What does Lucilius tell Brutus about Cassius’ attitude? What does Cassius say to Brutus when he arrives at Brutus’ tent? How does Brutus react to Cassius’ charge against him?

8 Let’s Discuss Your Answers
What do we learn about Antony in Act 4 scene 1? Reflecting on his speech to the Plebians and comparing its content to the things we hear in Act 4 scene 1, how does Antony feel about the Plebians? Is Antony an “honorable man”? What does Lucilius tell Brutus about Cassius’ attitude? What does Cassius say to Brutus when he arrives at Brutus’ tent? How does Brutus react to Cassius’ charge against him?


10 Exit Ticket Reflecting on the characters we have met as we have read The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, identify one static character and one dynamic character. Make sure you use evidence from the text to support your claim. USE THESE DO THIS

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