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Rick Paik Schoenberg, UCLA Statistics

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1 Rick Paik Schoenberg, UCLA Statistics
Goodness-of-fit tests for point process models for forecasting earthquakes Rick Paik Schoenberg, UCLA Statistics 1) Pixel-based methods 2) Numerical summaries, K-function 3) Error diagrams 4) Residuals: rescaling, thinning, superposition 5) Comparative methods

2 Stationary (homogeneous) Poisson process: (t,x) = .
A few examples of some commonly-used conditional intensity models in seismology: Stationary (homogeneous) Poisson process: (t,x) = . Inhomogeneous Poisson process: (t, x) = f(t, x). (deterministic) ETAS (Epidemic-Type Aftershock Sequence, Ogata 1988, 1998): (t, x) = (x) + ∑ g(t - ti, ||x - xi||, mi), ti < t where g(t, x, m) = K exp{m} (t+c)p (x2 + d)q

3 1. Pixel-based methods. Compare N(Ai) with ∫A (t, x) dt dx, on pixels Ai. (Baddeley, Turner, Møller, Hazelton, 2005) Problems: * If pixels are large, lose power. * If pixels are small, residuals are mostly ~ 0,1. * Smoothing reveals only gross features.

4 (Baddeley, Turner, Møller, Hazelton, 2005)‏

5 2. Numerical summaries. a) Likelihood statistics (LR, AIC, BIC)
2. Numerical summaries. a) Likelihood statistics (LR, AIC, BIC). Log-likelihood = ∑ log(ti,xi) - ∫ (t,x) dt dx. b) Second-order statistics * K-function, L-function (Ripley, 1977) * Weighted K-function (Baddeley, Møller and Waagepetersen 2002, Veen and Schoenberg 2005) * Other weighted 2nd-order statistics: R/S statistic, correlation integral, fractal dimension (Adelfio and Schoenberg, 2009)


7 Weighted K-function Usual K-function: K(h) ~ ∑∑i≠j I(|xi - xj| ≤ h), Weight each pair of points according to the estimated intensity at the points: Kw(h)^~ ∑∑i≠j wi wj I(|xi - xj| ≤ h), where wi = (ti , xi)-1. (asympt. normal, under certain regularity conditions.)‏ Lw(h) = centered version = √[Kw(h)/π] - h, for R2

8 Model(x,y;) = (x,y) + (1- ).
h (km)‏

9 2. Numerical summaries. a) Likelihood statistics (LR, AIC, BIC)
2. Numerical summaries. a) Likelihood statistics (LR, AIC, BIC). Log-likelihood = ∑ log(ti,xi) - ∫ (t,x) dt dx. b) Second-order statistics * K-function, L-function (Ripley, 1977) * Weighted K-function (Baddeley, Møller and Waagepetersen 2002, Veen and Schoenberg 2005) * Other weighted 2nd-order statistics: R/S statistic, correlation integral, fractal dimension (Adelfio and Schoenberg, 2009) c) Other test statistics (mostly vs. stationary Poisson) TTT, Khamaladze (Andersen et al. 1993) Cramèr-von Mises, K-S test (Heinrich 1991) Higher moment and spectral tests (Davies 1977) Problems: -- Overly simplistic Stationary Poisson not a good null hypothesis (Stark 1997)

10 3. Error Diagrams Plot (normalized) number of alarms vs
3. Error Diagrams Plot (normalized) number of alarms vs. (normalized) number of false negatives (failures to predict). (Molchan 1990; Molchan 1997; Zaliapin & Molchan 2004; Kagan 2009). Similar to ROC curves (Swets 1973) Problems: Must focus near axes. [consider relative to given model (Kagan 2009)] Difficult to see where model fits poorly.

11 Suppose N is simple. Rescale one coordinate: move each point
4. Residuals: rescaling, thinning, superposing Rescaling. (Meyer 1971;Berman 1984; Merzbach &Nualart 1986; Ogata 1988; Nair 1990; Schoenberg 1999; Vere- Jones and Schoenberg 2004): Suppose N is simple. Rescale one coordinate: move each point {ti, xi} to {ti , ∫oxi (ti,x) dx} [or to {∫oti (t,xi) dt), xi }]. Then the resulting process is stationary Poisson. Problems: * Irregular boundary, plotting. * Points in transformed space hard to interpret. * For highly clustered processes: boundary effects, loss of power.

12 Thinning. (Westcott 1976): Suppose N is simple, stationary, & ergodic.

13 Thinning: Suppose inf (ti ,xi) = b.
Keep each point (ti ,xi) with probability b / (ti ,xi) . Can repeat many times --> many stationary Poisson processes (but not quite ind.!)‏

14 Then Mk --> stationary Poisson.
Superposition. (Palm 1943): Suppose N is simple & stationary. Then Mk --> stationary Poisson.

15 Superposition: Suppose sup (t , x) = c.
Superpose N with a simulated Poisson process of rate c - (t , x) . As with thinning, can repeat many times to generate many (non-independent) stationary Poisson processes. Problems with thinning and superposition: Thinning: Low power. If b = inf (ti ,xi) is small, will end up with very few points. Superposition: Low power if c = sup (ti ,xi) is large: most of the residual points will be simulated.

16 -- Better: consider difference between log-likelihoods, in each pixel.
5. Comparative methods. -- Can consider difference (for competing models) between residuals over each pixel. Problem: Hard to interpret. If difference = 3, is this because model A overestimated by 3? Or because model B underestimated by 3? Or because model A overestimated by 1 and model B underestimated by 2? Also, when aggregating over pixels, it is possible that a model will predict the correct number of earthquakes, but at the wrong locations and times. -- Better: consider difference between log-likelihoods, in each pixel. Problem: pixel choice is arbitrary, and unequal # of pts per pixel…..

17 Conclusions: * Point process model evaluation is still an unsolved problem. * Pixel-based methods have problems: non-normality, high variability, low power, arbitrariness in choice of pixel size. Comparing log- likelihoods within each pixel seems a bit more promising. * Numerical summary statistics and error diagrams provide very limited information. * Rescaling, thinning, and superposition also have problems: can have low power, especially when the intensity is volatile.

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