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Stress Relief and Stress Management

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1 Stress Relief and Stress Management
Sheikh Kamaruddin Sheikh Ahmad, PJK Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan Universiti Putra Malaysia

2 WHAT IS STRESS Hans Selye (1974) internationally recognized authority and pioneer researchers on stress, concludes that stress is a non-specific response of the body to any type of demand made on it. In this instance, non-specific means that the response pattern is always biochemically the same regardless of the nature of the stressor. Consequently, whether an activity or situation is pleasant or unpleasant, the same biochemical reaction takes place in the body.


4 More Meeting Too Many Deadlines Time/space Restriction
Office Management Work Overloading Interpersonal Conflicts

5 The Nature of Stress Typically, stress is associated with terms such as anxiety, frustration, strain, conflict and tension. Although these terms and usually thought of as negative forces, stress can be a beneficial and positive catalyst to our lives. Although stress can be unpleasant and even debilitating, yet Hans Selye has said that, “Stress is the spice of life”. To explain this apparent contradiction, Selye has used the word “distress” to describe the negative physiological consequence of adaptation and the term “eustress” to label the pleasant sensations of consequence that may accompany certain stressors.

6 “Eustress” “Distress”
positive stress is that factor necessary for one to perform well, particularly under pressure. The good feelings experienced by an individual who is coining and are positive forces that foster a sense of achievement in our lives. “Distress” negatives stress is experienced by an individual who fail to achieve. Feeling of insecurity, helplessness or desperation are associated with negative stress. There are little doubt teachers and administrators productivity as well as their physical and mental health is affected greatly by stress and tension.



9 Optimum Stimulation Zone Over stimulation Zone Under stimulation Zone
Coping Strategy: Decrease Stress Intake Coping Strategy: Increase Stress Intake Optimum Stimulation Zone Over stimulation Zone Under stimulation Zone Creativity Rational problem solving Progress Change Satisfaction Irrational problem solving Exhaustion Illness Low self-esteem Boredom Fatigue Frustration Dissatisfaction High Low Death from lack of stress Death from exstress Stress The Stress and Performance Curve. Adapted from Beyond Stress to Effective Management (Gmelch, 1982) Effective Performance

10 Stress Management Strategies
Developing meaningful solution for the problems related to stress is more complex that it may appear. It involves changes in human attitudes and behaviors, a type of change very difficult to bring about, even when an individual’s job satisfaction and physical health are at stake.

11 Ø Minor day to day hassles
We have seen that much of our stress are caused by the following, Ø     Minor day to day hassles Ø     Significant lifestyle changes Ø  Too many responsibilities and deadlines

12 “low stress life-style”
Woolfolk and Richardson (1978) “low stress life-style” Find activities in which you will find intrinsic satisfaction. “Distress” can be reduced by focusing on the process of things you do, rather than the result Find something other than yourself and your achievements to care about Learn to recognize and accept your personal short coming and lack of control over much of what will ultimately happen to us

13 “low stress life-style”
Continue … Develop an un-hostile, benevolent sense of humor Learn to tolerate and forgive yourself and others The struggle of life may change, but they never end. Stop waiting for the day when “you can relax” or when your problems will be over. We must take ultimate responsibility for our own happiness

14 Developing A Balance Perspectives
Many distressful situations occur because we must face problems daily for which our training did not adequately prepare us. Certain stressors could be prevented if we could acquire the knowledge and skills to do our jobs more effectively. (Spark, 1982) “The aim of life is to be maintain its own identity and express its innate abilities and drives with the least possible frustration. To remain healthy, we must have some goal, some purpose in life that we can respect and be proud to work for. Each person must work out a way to relieve his/her pent-up energy without creating conflicts with others and if possible to earn their good will and respect.” (Selye ,1976)

15 Coping With Stress Life Style Changes Personality Changes
Improving Your Self-concept Improving Your Relationships With Others Taking Care of Yourself

16 Stress and Tension Management
Ø Everyone experience stress and some stress is needed to perform the daily tasks of life for growth and development. Stress involves physiological and psychological responses. Selye described the body’s physiological response to stress as the general adaptation syndrome. Ø There are many different types of stressors that can be broadly classified as psychological stressors and physiological stressors.

17 Ø Each day in your lives, you encounter many stressors of varying magnitudes. Stress is not always harmful; some stress is needed for personal growth. Ø The way you feel about yourself may result in stress. Ø Uncontrolled stress can result in physical and mental disorders. Ø Persons who are under stress tend to display certain danger signs and experience symptoms that indicate the body’s malfunctioning. Ø Coping skills to ward off stress are those procedures that allow a person to deal with reality in positive way. Ø Ways to cope with stress include exercise, proper rest, relaxation and setting realistic goals.

18 Ø People sometimes try to cope with stress by using technique call defense mechanisms.
Ø The better you understand your own behavior and motives, the better able you are to cope with stress and develop into a productive human being. Ø Physical activity is one of the best ways to resist stressors and to relax. Ø Physical activity provides benefits such as a healthy cardiovascular system, a sense of well-being, mental release and a better self-concept. Ø Physical activity can contribute to better body composition and thus prevent some forms of stress.

19 People make up the world, if we change ourselves, we change the world…
Ø There are several relaxation techniques for coping with stress, including the Jacobson relaxation technique, yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, imagery, massage, autogenic training and biofeedback. Remember !!! People make up the world, if we change ourselves, we change the world…

20 Relaxation Techniques For
Stress Management Deep Breathing Technique Praying and Meditation Progressive Muscle Relaxation Listening to music Stretching

21 Benson’s Technique Sit quietly in a comfortable position
Close your eyes Deeply relax your muscle, beginning at your feet and progressing up to your face, help them relaxed Breathe through your nose. Become aware of your breathing

22 Inhale: Inhale slowly and deeply, filling your chest with air, counting four seconds to yourself. “One, and two, and three, and four”. The count is to give you a nice and easy, even pace. Try to breath fully as you can without discomfort. Imagine your chest slowly filling with air Hold Breath: When you have inhaled fully, hold your breath for another four seconds, again counting to yourself. “One, and two, and three, and four”. This should be just a comfortable pause. Don’t do it until you are blue in the face Exhale: Slowly exhale but don’t blow. Just let the air out through your mouth unhurriedly saying to yourself: “Easy, easy, easy ... easy”. Let out as much air as you can. Feeling your chest and abdomen relaxing. As you exhale, think of the tension following out of you

23 Now let yourself breathe normally and tell yourself these relaxing phrases:
“I feel very relaxed. All the tension is going out of me as I exhale and good feelings are coming into me as I inhale” I feel good … NTV7

24 Guidelines For Reducing Stress
Exercise regularly Improve your personal appearance Adopt good eating habits Learn to think clearly Think positively

25 Guidelines For Reducing Stress
Continue… Learn how to make decision for yourself Learn to listen to other people Schedule time to relax Open your feeling openly Do your best

26 Coping With The Changing World
To live in today’s world in good health we need to be stress hardy. One study examined 200 business executives identified the 3 C’s necessary for stress hardiness as manifested by the 100 executives who reported few signs of illness.

27 The 3 C’s Control They had a sense of control over their work lives and felt that through their attitudes they could control the impact of the problem (at work) if not the problem themselves Commitment They possessed a sense of commitment to and value their work and personal relationship, which give them a sense of “meaning”, “direction” and excitement” Challenge They saw change as a “challenge” and an “opportunity for growth and learning

28 Self-Assessment Exercise
Susceptibility to Overload Choose the most appropriate answer for each of the ten statements below and place the letter of your response in the space to the left How often do you ... 1. Find yourself with insufficient time to complete your work? 2. Find yourself becoming confused and unable to think clearly because too many things are happening at once? 3. Wish you had help to get everything done?

29 4. Feel that people around you simply expect too much for you?
5. Feel overwhelmed by the demands placed upon you? 6. Find your work infringing upon your leisure hours? 7. Get depressed when you consider all of the tasks that need your attention. 8. See no end to the excessive demands placed upon you? 9. Have to skip a meal so that you can get work completed? 10. Feel that you have too much responsibility? Interpretation: Total your points and see how stressed you are by overload. A total of 26 to 40 indicate a high stress level; such an excessive level could be psychologically and physiologically debilitating if steps are not taken to reduce it

30 It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness … Thank you.

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