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WISR Library Resources

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1 WISR Library Resources
Saturday, August 22nd from 12:00pm – 2:00 pm CYNTHIA s. Roberson, Library director (image retrieved from: )

2 Session Objectives LIRN databases
Other library resources available for use WISR’s library resources Today’s session will comprise of three parts. First, we will discuss the LIRN databases that WISR recently purchased for student and faculty use. It is going to be a very brief overview and introduction to the LIRN databases. Secondly, we will discuss other library resources that are outside of WISR that we have access. Thirdly, we will discuss WISR’s own library resources in terms of progress and what is currently available.

3 Part 1: LIRN Databases The purpose of this part of the session is to give you a brief overview of what LIRN is, what its purpose is, why we need it, and how to go about using it. There are several databases within LIRN and I cannot go over each of them in detail in terms of how to use each one. My goals for today are to give you enough information about what each database is, what each one is used for, and give you a starting point in exploring these databases further on your own. Later, if there’s enough demand for it, I can do group or individual training on how to use the databases in detail, but for today, I am keeping it brief. (image retrieved from

4 LIRN Basics What IS LIRN?
Why do WISR students and faculty need these databases How can it help students and faculty with their studies? What is LIRN? LIRN in an acronym that stands for Library and Information Resources Network. It is the name of a larger product that contains a collection of databases. It contains journals, articles, abstracts, and links to books and other materials that can be consulted for research purposes. Why do WISR students and faculty need these databases? How can it help students and faculty with their studies? The core reason that WISR got these databases is to fulfill a requirement of the accreditation agency who said that WISR must provide access to electronic resources. Beyond the accreditation agency however, students and faculty can benefit from these electronic databases because it is one more place that WISR has to search for information. There are other, outside resources that students and faculty can consult – in fact we are going name some of these later on in the session. However, for the students and faculty that have few or no other alternatives to quality information, these electronic databases will be useful for them.

5 LIRN’s Individual Databases
Group 1: Group 3: Group 2: Now we will discuss, very briefly, each of the databases that WISR has access through LIRN to in terms of what each one is about and the kinds of resources you expect to find. There are 11 databases that I have grouped together in three groups based on the content and services they provide. Group 1 databases provide both abstracts and full text of journal articles. Group 2 databases provide descriptions and links to books and other resources that you would either have to go find in another library or purchase. Group 3 databases provide abstracts to journal articles only. (images retrieved from

6 Group 1: Full Text and Abstracts
This group of databases provide both abstracts and full text articles. First off there elibrary is which “consists of periodicals, reference books, maps, pictures, and newspapers from around the world, along with transcripts of news and public affairs broadcasts” (description taken directly from LIRN’s website). It covers multiple subject areas. Next there is the DOAJ which stands for Directory of Open Access Journals. This database contains scholarly and peer reviewed articles that are freely available; it also covers multiple subjects. Thirdly there is the ProQuest database which contains full text articles on psychology. And finally in this category, we have the PubMed database which specializes in biomedicine. (images retrieved from

7 Group 2: Books and Other Resources
Now on to group 2 databases. These two databases contain descriptions and links to books and other resources that you would have to obtain yourself, either through purchase or through another library. First we have Bowker’s Books in Print which has information on books, audio, and video materials. It is a general resource database. Secondly, we have RCL which stands for Resources for College Libraries. This database contains descriptions and links to books and other resources that are useful for academic libraries. (image retrieved from

8 Group 3: Abstracts Only Finally, we get to the group 3 databases. All five of these databases are run by EBSCO and only provide abstracts. If you wanted the full article, they would have to be obtained some other way. First, the EBSCOHost database can be used for searching for all subjects. Next, we have a database on European Views of the Americans which deals specifically with European Views of the Americas from before Thirdly, we have the GreenFile database focuses on the environment. Fourthly, we have Library Information Science and Technology Abstracts with deals specifically with library and information science. Finally in this group of databases, we have Teacher Reference Center which specializes in education. (image retrieved from

9 Searching in LIRN – Starting Tips
Go to Click on “Login” Next thing I would like to discuss, before we take a five minute break, is to how to start searching for your subject in LIRN. What I am about to go over is how to get to the databases we just covered so you can explore them on your own. First, you will go to Find the “Login” button near the top of the page and click on it.

10 Searching in LIRN – Starting Tips (cont.)
Next; You will get a screen asking for the institution number. I can’t publically state what that number because this presentation is being recorded, but just ask John or I for the number and we’ll give it to you.

11 Searching in LIRN - Starting Tips (cont.)
The screen after you login will look something like this. You will have a list of generic subjects that you can start your search from, and you have a search bar in the top right hand corner.

12 Searching in LIRN - Starting Tips (cont.)
If you click on any of the subjects that you’re given, you will get an additional list of databases the system recommend you search. So, this is one way to get to the database you want to search.

13 Searching in LIRN - Starting Tips (cont.)
An additional way for getting to the database you want is to do the following: 1. Click on the “Change Gateway Menu Button”

14 Searching in LIRN - Starting Tips (cont.)
2. You will then see this list of ways that you can search for the database that you want to search. Click on “Alphabetical” to get a list of databases ordered by name.

15 Searching in LIRN - Starting Tips (cont.)
You will then get a tabbed screen that looks like this, and you can click on each letter to get to the database you want to get to.

16 Searching in LIRN - Starting Tips (cont.)
A note about the search box – You can use this if you want, but I really, REALLY do not recommend it. What this will do is it will search for your subject in every single database that LIRN has. You might think this is a good thing but some of the databases they have, we do not have access to. The results are really confusing as well. Honestly, it is better to go to a specific database to perform a search, rather than try to search all databases at once.

17 (image retrieved from http://makesureyouknow

18 Part 2: Other Library Resources
We have two more main topics of discussion before we are done for today. The second topic we need to talk about are other library resources. These are resources that are not directly provided by WISR but are options that are available to students and faculty. There are three other resources we will discuss: UC Berkeley, San Francisco Public Library, and WorldCat. (UCB logo retrieved from : ) (SF Public Library logo retrieved from:

19 Other Library Resources: UC Berkeley
Anyone can purchase a UCB alumni card for $60 a year that provides some UCB library access. Also, the Head of the Social Research Library at UCB, Susan Edwards, has stated that she would arrange to give an orientation or tour once a year to a group of interested students and faculty. However, one has to be physically present to use the libraries resources, including electronic resources. Information about UCB’s library may be found HERE:

20 Other Library Resources – SF Public Library
Anyone with a valid California I.D. can sign up – in person – at the SF Public Library and have access to their books and electronic resources. This includes remote access to electronic resources. Their website, along with the resources available at the library, is HERE:

21 Other Library Resources - WorldCat
This is a website, free to use anywhere, that allows one to search for books and other resources in public and academic libraries throughout the world.

22 Part 3: WISR’S Library We are going to touch on three things before we are done for today: WISR’s acquisition of required readings, progress on cataloging WISR’s books, and my personal availability for research assistance. WISR’s acquisition of required readings: WISR is acquiring course readings as funds become available. If students purchase a required reading and want to see the book back to WISR they can, but again, it’s based on what money WISR has and if WISR has the book already. So, “student book buyback” is not a guarantee. Catalgoing WISR’s books is progressing very slowly at this time. We’ve had some set backs, scheduling problems, and trying to get the volunteer catalogers properly trained. As of right now we have around 300 or so books cataloged out of an estimated 6,000 books so we have a lot of work ahead of us. 3. Finally. I am formally making myself available if anyone needs help with doing research, using the individual LIRN databases, or anything library related in general. I ask that you give me 3 business days to respond to and/or fulfill a request for research help because I need time to find the best places for you to look or the best resources to consult. If I cannot help, I know that Susan Edwards, Head of Social Research at UCB, has offered to give me a hand in finding appropriate resources for WISR students and faculty. (image retrieved from:

23 (image retrieved from: http://bendwoodpta

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