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(name pronunciation: Cool-ah-ball-ee)

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Presentation on theme: "(name pronunciation: Cool-ah-ball-ee)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (name pronunciation: Cool-ah-ball-ee)
Welcome parents and students! Mrs. Patterson-Coulibaly 8th GRADE AMERICAN HISTORY CLASS (name pronunciation: Cool-ah-ball-ee)

2 Helpful Information is the best way to contact me. My address is: I generally respond within 48 hours, not including weekends or holidays. Blog: Please check the blog daily for any updates or announcements. Students should write all homework assignments down in their agendas daily. FOCUS is the best tool for keeping track of your student’s progress.

3 Remind 2nd period I will also send reminders through
Students and Parents please: 1. open a new text message 2. in the address field type (as if you were going to text someone) 3. in the body of the text please

4 Remind 3rd period I will also send reminders through
Students and Parents please: 1. open a new text message 2. in the address field type (as if you were going to text someone) 3. in the body of the text please

5 Remind 4th period I will also send reminders through
Students and Parents please: 1. open a new text message 2. in the address field type (as if you were going to text someone) 3. in the body of the text please

6 Remind 5th period I will also send reminders through
Students and Parents please: 1. open a new text message 2. in the address field type (as if you were going to text someone) 3. in the body of the text please

7 Remind 6th period I will also send reminders through
Students and Parents please: 1. open a new text message 2. in the address field type (as if you were going to text someone) 3. in the body of the text please

8 Remind 8th period I will also send reminders through
Students and Parents please: 1. open a new text message 2. in the address field type (as if you were going to text someone) 3. in the body of the text please

9 Supplies Needed! If each student will bring these supplies one time, we will have enough for the entire year! -Copy Paper (Yes Please!) -Tissues (flu season is near!) -Pencils -Colored Pencils/Crayons/Markers -Index Cards -Hand Sanitizer Thank you to everyone who has already donated to the classroom!

10 How to access the Online Book
Each student automatically has access to the online textbook and online through One View. Please choose the American History course with my name and the book should be listed under resources. If you are having issues finding the online textbook, please see me right away.

11 Classwork/Home Learning and Projects
All work is due on the original due date. As per the 8th grade policy, late work will not be accepted for any reason. There will not be any recycling opportunities for this class, so much sure you are studying with fidelity. If you qualify for extended time, this time will be accommodated. See me if you have questions.

12 Interactive Notebook Each student should have a spiral notebook that will include: Notes Activities Interactive notebook checks may occur during tests to monitor class progress and organization.

13 Make Up Work Students will have the same amount of days absent to make up work in the case of an excused absence as per DCPS policy. Students are responsible to go to the homework calendar at the front of the classroom when they return to class to find out what they missed. Extra copies can usually be obtained by the door at the front of the class.

14 NHD, EOC, & Other Acronyms
NHD (National History Day) projects are required for 8th grade students and will be a large part of the student’s grade. We will have a DISTRICT EOC (End of Course) exam instead of a STATE EOC. It will count as 30% of the student’s final grade. It is very important for students to be present and ready to work every class.

15 Questions??

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