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Influencing government through select committees

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1 Influencing government through select committees
Hannah White, Institute for Government 4 December 2015

2 1. How can you influence government through select committees. 2
1. How can you influence government through select committees? 2. What new trends are there to watch out for?

3 What are committees trying to do?
Influence Engage Set an agenda Hold to account

4 What can committees actually change in government?
because a committee (for example)… … receives new evidence …listens to different voices or commissions new research … hears different analysis …achieves cross-party consensus …becomes more open …compels government to talk … has a forum for lesson learning …provides space to review and learn … changes how it operates …undertakes scrutiny that stimulates change … operates in a different context …influences third parties through its work, who then influence government … is seen differently by citizens …is seen to have fulfilled its unique scrutiny role Note not only trying to change government

5 What can you contribute?
Government… … because you (for example) … receives new evidence Provide oral and written evidence including your own data and anecdotal evidence; allow site visits and committee engagement with your stakeholders; suggest new witnesses. … hears different analysis Provide oral and written evidence including your own analysis and ideas. …becomes more open Build a relationship with relevant committee teams - brief staff on possible areas for questioning of ministers. … has a forum for lesson learning Provide ideas for new areas of committee work; provide evidence of the impact of government policies … changes how it operates Stay in touch with committee agendas; engage committees with existing campaigns; build coalitions using committee work as a catalyst. … operates in a different context Highlight the contribution of committees within your organisation and amongst your stakeholders. Note not only trying to change government

6 What new trends are there to look out for?
More chairs (and members) developing their profile Greater efforts on public engagement Some appetite for joint working Desire for feedback

7 Thank you. hannah. white@instituteforgovernment. org
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