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It’s about the Audience: Tips for Engaging Presentations

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Presentation on theme: "It’s about the Audience: Tips for Engaging Presentations"— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s about the Audience: Tips for Engaging Presentations
Presented by: Linda J. Smith, AACRAO Monday, November 11, 2013, 10:30 am Session ID 2588

2 Thank you for your cooperation
Session rules of etiquette WITH ADJUSTMENTS: Please turn off your cell phone/pager NO—you will be using your cell phone If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible YES Please avoid side conversation during the session NO— you will be collaborating Please complete the session evaluation YES Thank you for your cooperation AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

3 The problem From Scott Adams Dilbert collection at
AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

4 Reinventing AACRAO Presentations
Audience impact Is our content RELEVANT? Can we maintain audience INTEREST? Do we overuse the “sage on the stage” FORMAT for conference sessions? THIS? OR THIS? 11/22/2018 Reinventing AACRAO Presentations

5 Broadening our Perspectives on Audience Expectations
OUR GOALS TODAY Broadening our Perspectives on Audience Expectations Explore current conference trends Examine session format options Try tools and techniques for audience participation Review ways to use presentation software effectively AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

6 YOUR GOALS TODAY? Learning Objectives
At end of this session, attendees should be able to: Plan a presentation that relates to audience interests Employ a variety of techniques to engage audiences Use presentation software to support communication AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

7 Conference trends Shift in focus Keywords Audience profile
AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

8 1. Shift in focus From presenter To audience
What presenter wants to say One-way flow of information Passive listening What audience wants to hear Knowledge construction Active learning AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

9 Community Collaboration Learning
2. keywords Community Collaboration Learning AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

10 3. Audience profile TODAY’S AUDIENCES Will be using e-devices
Want concise communication Want relevant material for their context Want new ideas/information Want to participate AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

11 nit7go8&
AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

12 AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago Session ID: 2588

13 AACRAO SEM 2013 - Chicago Session ID: 2588

14 presenters From Scott Adams Dilbert collection at
AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

15 Presenter Roles Teacher Trainer Facilitator Entertainer Instigator
All of the above? AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

16 Presentation options Dominant format: Content delivery
Interactive group Fishbowl sessions Roundtable discussions Panel discussions Workshop sessions Poster sessions AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

17 For discussion: Consider your 2-3 BEST session experiences
What kind of sessions were they? What did you LIKE about them? Consider your 2-3 WORST session experiences What did you NOT LIKE about them? How do you decide what sessions to attend? AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

18 Some learning theory Gagné's nine events of instruction
Vygotsky and Bruner’s developmental theory Keller’s ARCS motivation model AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

19 1. Gagné's Nine Events of Instruction
Gaining attention Informing the learner of the objective Simulating recall of prerequisite learned capabilities Presenting the stimulus material Providing learning guidance Eliciting performance Providing feedback about performance correctness Assessing the performance Enhancing retention and transfer Gagné, R. M., Wager, W. W., Golas, K. C., & Keller, J. M. (2005). Principles of instructional design (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

20 2. Vygotsky and Bruner - Development
Current knowledge Beyond current reach Increasing challenge Knowledge achievable with support “zone of proximal development” scaffolding What is it? Is it adequate? What kinds of barriers to learning are there? Can they be overcome? What kind of support? Is it available? Are there any learning objectives in this area? *See: Driscoll, M.P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

A.1. Perceptual arousal A.2. Inquiry arousal A.3. Variability R.1. Goal orientation R.2. Motive matching R.3. Familiarity C S CONFIDENCE SATISFACTION C.1. Learning requirements C.2. Success opportunities C.3. Personal control S.1. Natural consequences S.2. Positive consequences S.3. Equity Gagné, R. M., Wager, W. W., Golas, K. C., & Keller, J. M. (2005). Principles of instructional design (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

22 Reinventing AACRAO Presentations
roundtable What is the most important goal for AACRAO conference sessions? Be informed on trends and new developments Learn about best practices Be exposed to how others are using technology View current research Collaborate as professionals to deal with common problems/issues Acquire new knowledge and skills for a career track 11/22/2018 Reinventing AACRAO Presentations

23 AVOIDING Death by Powerpoint
AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

24 Weapon #1 From Scott Adams Dilbert collection at
AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

25 Weapon #2 From Scott Adams Dilbert collection at
AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

26 Weapon #3 From Scott Adams Dilbert collection at
AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

27 Powerpoint help
AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

28 Questions? From Scott Adams Dilbert collection at
AACRAO SEM Chicago Session ID: 2588

29 It’s about the Audience: Tips for Engaging Presentations
Linda J. Smith, AACRAO Session ID 2588

30 Reinventing AACRAO Presentations
Killer powerpoint May it REST IN PEACE! 11/22/2018 Reinventing AACRAO Presentations

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