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Annual Departmental Savings: $37,762

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1 Annual Departmental Savings: $37,762
Large Class Size: Affect, Effect and Maintaining Student and Professor Engagement Scott Despain, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, NC State University Annual Departmental Savings: $37,762 Results Space issues resolved, using Withers 232a, MWF Added four additional, supported graduate students Close articulation for majority of FLS101 sections Annual departmental savings: $73,537 vs $111,300 Attrition rates approximate professor’s small section averages Students prefer traditional section model 81% like or love Wolfpack model Overview In the fall of 2007 the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures created two large-enrollment sections of FLS101, Beginning Spanish I, by combining all 20 of the traditional sections of students each. The model that developed from this significant change in delivery of instruction became known as “The Wolfpack Model.” Completion Rate Averages From Harrelson … To Withers Student Model Preference Ideas For Successful Engagement Clear syllabus Syllabus quiz on second day of class Review syllabus periodically Provide expectation sheets for tests Bulk of class time is paired-activity work Students expected to prepare prior to class Occasional “birdwalks” (film clips, jokes, stories) Weekly pop quizzes Four hourly exams and comprehensive final Update grades weekly (total of ~140 grades) Reinforce questions with Smarties® candy Outside-of-class activities The Wolfpack Model 1 Professor instructs two sections of 220 students each 4 graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) in the classroom Each GTA is assigned ¼ of the class (50-55 students) Full-technology classroom is divided into four quarters Same number of hourly tests, quizzes, outside projects Same number of paired activities for each class period Students prepare outside of class for in-class activities Based on Sociocultural Learning Theory Experts provide scaffolding (learning assistance) for learners Zone of proximal development Many false beginners (semi experts) in the FLS101 class The professor provides scaffolding for students and GTAs GTA’s provide scaffolding for students Students scaffold for each other Textbook also provides scaffolding for students Wolfpack Model Satisfaction Keys to Success Switch seats/rows after each hourly test (limit honor code issues) Separate instructor for fall and spring Talented and dedicated graduate teaching assistants Daily resource pages full of multimedia to use as needed Dynamic instructors with a sense of humor, and high expectations 5-7 activities in groups of two each day Groups-of-two “pop discussions” of difficult lecture points Weekly training sessions with the graduate teaching assistants TA ownership Limit effects of affective filter (feelings of learner anxiety) Facilitating Honor Code Compliance Discuss the honor code often Case scenarios shared with students Code reminders during each quiz and test Seat swapping after each test Must sit in the same GTA section Must sit in a different row Must sit next to different students Recording testing components Increased eyes Tracking grades - No surprises Model Questions How will student attrition be affected? Will students prefer the large or small model? How will honor code enforcement occur? How will student engagement be maintained? How will professor burnout be prevented? What will be the actual cost savings? Will student achievement be maintained? Acknowledgements Wolf images from Classroom images from

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