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The United States Constitution Part 2: The 7 Articles.

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Presentation on theme: "The United States Constitution Part 2: The 7 Articles."— Presentation transcript:

1 The United States Constitution Part 2: The 7 Articles

2 Complete the Preview Questions on Your own.
Preview Activity Complete the Preview Questions on Your own.

3 Follow along and fill in your
Testable Information Follow along and fill in your Interactive notebook.

4 After the Preamble, there are __ Articles that create and explain the government of the United States 7

5 ______________________
This is the main reason the Constitution was written – to create ______________________ a strong national government

6 Article 1 = _____________ - __________ the laws
legislative branch makes executive branch carries out judicial branch interprets

7 Article 4 = relationships among the _______
Article 5 = how the Constitution can be ___________ states amended/changed

8 Article 6 = __________supremacy
Article 7 = How the Constitution will be ___________________ national ratified/approved

9 Once the Constitution was ______________(approved), amendments were added. Today, the Constitution of the United States of America , including the Bill of Rights ratified

10 The U.S. Constitution: Establishes the ___________ of the United States government. structure

11 The U.S. Constitution: Guarantees _______ under the law with _________ _______ and the rights of the minority protected. equality majority rule

12 The U.S. Constitution: Affirms individual ______ and ________ of all people. worth dignity

13 The U.S. Constitution: Protects the fundamental freedoms of ________, __________, ________, _________, and _________. (1st Amendment = RAPPS) religion assembly press petition speech

14 Fun videos to play if time allows
Constitution Style – Rap We the People - Constitution Song School House Rock Preamble – Hip Hop Remix

15 Answer the Processing Activity Questions on Your Own.

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